Apologies for not updating. I was hoping my brother would own this blog and update himself...but he gives me the freedom to share how he's doing.
Update on Keith's eyeYesterday, he saw the eye doctor. They did a lot of tests on Keith. The results confirmed damage to the number 3 nerve, which is causing slowness in opening the eye as well as double vision. The doctor suggested Keith to wait at least a year before taking any action to correct the eye. This surgical procedure is not an easy one and requires 3 separate procedures. He will check Keith's recovery in 3 months. No therapy will help Keith to open his eye or to correct the double vision. It's just a matter of time for the number 3 nerve to heal.
PRAY for complete healing to this nerve so that Keith can open the right eye. Pray against double vision. When this nerve is healed, the double vision may disappear. As I spoke with my brother today, he said confidently to me, "don't worry, the double vision will go away". Indeed, he has more faith than me! I was truly encouraged by his persistent faith and trust in our amazing God.
Also, Keith's vision has not changed much. However, the doctor discovered some changes to his eyes from his diabetes.
Pray against diabetes and all the effects it has on his body! Pray for continuous therapyKeith's therapies are only scheduled until this Friday. Please pray that another few weeks of therapy will be approved by the insurance company. Pray that this procedure can happen quickly so he can continue therapy next week.
Pray for a minor surgery this upcoming TuesYes, can you believe Keith will actually return to Queen of Angeles hospital? Why? I'm not certain exactly what's going on, but he's been experiencing something similar to hemorrhoids. He will undergo a surgery this Tuesday to alleviate his pain. Pray for a smooth surgery and recovery. He will undergo general anesthesia, which means no food intake for many many hours. Pray for divine strength through this entire process.