Monday, May 09, 2005

time to TESTIFY!!!

"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony..." (Rev. 12:11)

By God's power, Keith has overcome the fatal effects of, God is giving him a wonderful opportunity to testify to the masses at JAMA this summer. We always told Keith that one day, a huge number of people will gather at a coliseum to listen to his testimony. It's happening quicker than we had expected. JAMA will take place in Texas later this summer, and Keith will share his tetimony there.

Please pray for him as he prepares for this trip. We thank God that a few brothers from his church are so willing to assist him in his travel and stay in Texas. They will learn how to give him insulin shots and take sugar level tests. Please pray:

-Keith's testimony will bring all glory to God and continue to crush the enemy's plans for his life.
-For safety and health. The weather will be hot. His skin is still very sensitive to heat. Pray that he would be comfortable in the heat.
-For strength throughout the trip.
-That God would minister to his heart in amazing ways.

weekend with Keith

Our family (Kang's) got to travel down to LA. It was so good to see my brother again. As usual, he was smiling, so excited to see all of us, especially his nieces. During the month away from him, we see significant recovery. I praise God for many things:

-Keith has been taking showers on his own for a while now.
-He's attending Saturday morning prayer meeting. He even got to share important prayer requests regarding the high school group and his personal needs this past Saturday, in Korean and English. People said he spoke very clearly. Many shed tears as they witnessed Keith speaking in front of a large group.
-He has been speaking to his youth every Sunday.
-He can get ready all by himself (putting on clothes, even shoe laces) without a problem.

My mom has been preparing his daily menu and he is able to take care of himself. What an amazing testimony of God's saving grace. He continues to sustain my brother, giving him joy in spite of all he's gone through.

Saying "goodbye" is always hard. It was difficult even before Keith got sick, but even harder now. We shed tears again as we separated, but we have absolutely confidence that God is Keith's Sustainer and Strength.

Please continue to keep him in your prayers:
-Pray for continuous boldness and courage to keep fighting.
-With the help of 3 therapy session/week, pray that he'll continue to regain his strength.
-Pray for the right eye to open. He's able to open it, but it shuts. Pray for the number 3 nerve to heal completely.
-Pray for our parents. My mom has been tired as she works full time and needs to take care of Keith. Pray for continuous strength and joy through her busy days.