time to TESTIFY!!!
"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony..." (Rev. 12:11)
By God's power, Keith has overcome the fatal effects of SJS...now, God is giving him a wonderful opportunity to testify to the masses at JAMA this summer. We always told Keith that one day, a huge number of people will gather at a coliseum to listen to his testimony. It's happening quicker than we had expected. JAMA will take place in Texas later this summer, and Keith will share his tetimony there.
Please pray for him as he prepares for this trip. We thank God that a few brothers from his church are so willing to assist him in his travel and stay in Texas. They will learn how to give him insulin shots and take sugar level tests. Please pray:
-Keith's testimony will bring all glory to God and continue to crush the enemy's plans for his life.
-For safety and health. The weather will be hot. His skin is still very sensitive to heat. Pray that he would be comfortable in the heat.
-For strength throughout the trip.
-That God would minister to his heart in amazing ways.