Friday, December 30, 2005

Winter Retreat was great

I just came back from ANC High School Dept. Winter Retreat. The speaker was Pastor KJ Ahn from Young Nak Church. God was gracious and many of us were blessed. I thank God for His blessings upon us. This was my last retreat with them. I also had an opportunity to speak. Even though there was no snow, it was very cold. I love my students a lot. My prayer is that they will live a Transformed life for God. Thank you for all your prayers.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

One more week

Merry Christmas everyone. I have one more week with high school ministry. I am looking forward to where God is leading me. I will be going to retreat on 11/27-30 to Harmony Pines (near Mtn. High Ski Resort) with high school students. Pray that God's blessing will be upon them. Also, please pray for a retreat I will be speaking at Michigan. I am leaving on 1/5 and coming back on 1/9. I heard that it is very cold there.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

No more high school ministry

As of end of December, I decided to stop being a high school pastor. There were too many things I could not do for the students. And, I could not do that to the students. I truly love them very much. So, I decided to step down and focus on a ministry of intercessory prayer for 2nd generation. I believe in the power of prayer and it is exciting to see what God is going to do. I am still here through intercessory prayers and I want to pray more for the education department. This is a new chapter in my life and I am looking forward to see what God is going to do. Please continue to pray for me that I would not lose heart for missions.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

What's up everyone

Shalom in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope everyone is doing well in this special time. Can you just imagine if Jesus did not come to this world? We would celebrate Mas Day and no Christmas. That I see is very dull and no hope. Let our lives show that we are followers of Christ. I will buy lunch to the first 5 that responds to this blog. Have a great day in the Lord.