Sunday, May 28, 2006

Happy Memorial Day

I am up in San Jose where my younger sister's family lives. We all came up here on Saturday. Friday night worship at Global Mission Church went well. I was very blessed to know that these kids prayed for me while in the hospital. And they also prayed for me after I preached. They all laid hands on me. I felt so much love from them. Also, seeing my sister's family is very exciting. I went to their church and seeing so many youths who had prayed for me as well. I am a very blessed man. Thank you again for all your faithful prayers.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

What is being in a TEAM mean?

Last night, I went to Spring Concert for my nephews and niece. I had a good time. During the concert, there was a dialogue. In this dialogue someone explained what TEAM stands for. It stood for Together Everyone Achieves Much. When I first heard that I was very excited because it is so true. It's hard to do alone but when there are others it is not that hard. I am in a team for Christ and I am able to go on because there are people around me. Even if everyone leaves I know that Christ will never leave me alone. Smile for Jesus.

Friday, May 19, 2006

How long is a good wait?

Many years ago I heard a joke. It was, how long is a Chinese name. It sounds like a question but it really is a statement. These days I am asking this question to God. How long must I wait. There are so many things I need to do, rather I think I need to do. However, God is reassuring me by making me realize God did not forget about me. I know that God has a wonderful plan for me. I must continue to be patient in Him. Prayer Request: I will be sharing my testimony at Global Mission Church on 5/26 at 9PM. If you have time, come out. Thank you again for your faithful prayers. Update with my eye: UCLA has not called me yet. I called but they are still working out on the best earliest time. I am praying that God will heal me before that day.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Surgery postponed

This afternoon I received a call from UCLA. Dr. Rosenbaum, who is supposed to perform the surgery, has family matters. He decided to postpone to a different date. He will let me know next week. Please pray for his family. I don't know exactly what happened so can not give specific details. Once I find out the date I will let you all know. Thanks again for all your prayers.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

God is faithful, always!

Today at church I was reminded of how faithful our God is. Even though there are still limitations I face daily. God is faithful to His people. I want to continue being thankful to God for this life. I was so busy doing things for God that I did not enjoy being for God. I want to worship God for who He is and what He has done for me. I will be getting another eye surgery on 5/16. Please keep me in your prayer. Thank you again for your prayers.

Friday, May 05, 2006

What does God want me to do?

Tonight, I went to GMC for Mission to North Korea College. There are so many heart warming stories about people living there. All I can do now is to pray for them. The power of the Holy Spirit needs to be evident there. Please pray for those people dying due to starvation. I must not complain about what I eat. I pray for God's wisdom to know what I need to do.