Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Need Vs, Want

What is your purpose of doing anything? Is it out of need or want. When I went to UCLA last week for the eye surgery. I saw a TV show that dealt with these thoughts. Do I serve God out of need or want? I need to serve God. However, I want it to be my desire and not out of need. I want to serve God because He knows what is best for me.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I am back home...

Thanks to all your prayer, the initial surgery went well. I will have check up with Dr. tomorrow. I was delayed for the surgery. I did not go inside the surgery room until 1:30PM. Man, I was hungry. I did not eat breakfast nor lunch. However, they put in IV so it was all good. I did not come out of UCLA until 6PM. I did not wake up right away. There was no complications. I just enjoyed my sleep. I will need at least 2 weeks to recover. So afterwards I will be free. Thanks again for all your prayers. I was not scared at all.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Surgery time is 12:30PM

I got a call today about the surgery time. It will be at 12:30PM at UCLA. I need to be there by 10:30AM. Even though the time and date is set for surgery, I still believe God will heal me before that. And if He decides not to He will use the surgeon to do his best. I just anticipate what God will do. Please do pray for me. For those who are still wondering, this will not cure my double vision. Thank you in advance for all your prayers. To God be ALL THE GLORY.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Surgery date is 6/20

The surgery date is set for 6/20. However, I am praying that God will heal me before that day. This morning I was reflecting on what is best time. We have our understanding of best time but that might not be God's time. Even though it is hard to wait for God's timing in the midst of so many anxious people. I believe God will not let us down as long as we wait for Him. Seek Him through out today.