Many changes
Yesterday at church, it was last day for me to be part of Intercessory Prayer with parents. I will lead prayer ministry with the youth group starting from 8/27. I am excited for this change. I spoke from Ecclesiastes 3, where it talks about time. I do believe that this is special time that God has given me. I want to enjoy my time right now. Also, on the way to church, I heard a message from the radio (I don't know who the pastor is). He was speaking about God providing our needs and not necessarily our wants. At first I was startled to hear that because He will provide our wants. But as I thought about it more, I am glad to know that He provides our needs rather than our wants. He knows better what we need. Please continue to pray for me. I will be going to ANC high school retreat for visitation and speaking at ANC Bakersfield on 8/5-6. Furthermore, I will be speaking at my old church, LACPC on 8/20. Thank you again for all your prayers. Enjoy this week.