Monday, July 31, 2006

Many changes

Yesterday at church, it was last day for me to be part of Intercessory Prayer with parents. I will lead prayer ministry with the youth group starting from 8/27. I am excited for this change. I spoke from Ecclesiastes 3, where it talks about time. I do believe that this is special time that God has given me. I want to enjoy my time right now. Also, on the way to church, I heard a message from the radio (I don't know who the pastor is). He was speaking about God providing our needs and not necessarily our wants. At first I was startled to hear that because He will provide our wants. But as I thought about it more, I am glad to know that He provides our needs rather than our wants. He knows better what we need. Please continue to pray for me. I will be going to ANC high school retreat for visitation and speaking at ANC Bakersfield on 8/5-6. Furthermore, I will be speaking at my old church, LACPC on 8/20. Thank you again for all your prayers. Enjoy this week.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I met old students from GMC

This afternoon I met two old students from Global Mission Church, Brian and Jonathan Kim. I have not seen them for a long time. This fall, Brian will be 3rd year at UCI and Jonathan will be 1st year at CS Fullerton. I felt old. It was really good seeing them and how God has been faithful in their lives. I am hoping to see them more often. Also, during my visitation I got a call from my old Sunday School teacher, Katherena. She was my teacher when I was in high school. Last time I talked to her was during my ordination service. She told me how her daughter is praying for me. I was so encouraged and blessed to know that there are many who still prays for me. I am planning to meet up with them on 8/3. I want to tell them the blessings God has been to me.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Meeting some old friends

Last night I went to LA to meet some old friends. I have not seen some of them for many years. They were all older than me from WMC and from Fairfax High School. They were talking about the past and I realize that God was with us back then as He is with us now. He made me go through those years of training to be where I am now. I remember the blessings God has poured out on me then. I am thankful that I could be used for His Kingdom.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I need to speak more loud

Overall, the Santa Monica Church service went well. However, I need to speak more loud. This is something I need to work on. Because even before I was sick I had this problem of not speaking out loud. So, if you are talking to me make sure I am speaking loud. I thought I was but I guess not loud enough. Anyways, another week God has given us. Let's do our best to glorify God and enjoy Him. Thanks again for your prayers.


These days God is showing me more and more that He is God of all comfort. Many times we don't know His plans for us. But the good thing is that He knows our plans. God is allowing me to speak of what He has done in my life. I never planned for this to happen. However, God in His plan knew. I am amazed and comforted by the fact that this God knows me by my correct name. (For those who have not seen my article in Korea Times. The article put my Korean name as Park Kee Soon and not as Park Kee Hoon.) Anyways, God is good and I will continue to share what He has done in my life. Thank you again for all your prayers. Don't forget to pray for my speaking engagements. Santa Monica Korean Presbyterian Church 7/23, Bakersfield ANC 8/5-6, and Las Vegas Somang Church 8/10-12. Also, I will start working at KCCD from 8/14.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I will be speaking at Bakersfield ANC

Today, I got a confirmation call from Pastor Hur from Bakersfield ANC to speak at the church retreat to the youth group. The group is about 10 people and it will be on 8/5-6. He told me about it before and I confirmed with him today. I am excited to go there. Please pray for me.

Monday, July 17, 2006

I will be speaking at...

This coming Sunday, I will be speaking at Santa Monica Korean Presbyterian Church. Please keep me in your prayers. For this speaking engagement I received a call from Christian Herald newspaper and also from Korea Times. The pastor from the church decided to put an ad for this Sunday. I am meeting with a reporter tomorrow from Korea Times. Please pray that I will be able to share the blessings God has given me. Also, I am excited to see what God is doing in my life. In addition, this Wednesday I am visiting summer retreat for Jr. High ministry from my church. The theme is "Absolute Surrender". Pray that everyone will be blessed and make absolute surrender to God. Thank you again for all your faithful prayers.

Friday, July 14, 2006

God is teaching me a lot these days

Last night and through out today. God is moving my heart for mission to North Korea. I am currently reading a book by a person who visited NK. There are so many things that caught my interests. Also, I went to JAMA Intercessory Prayer Conference. The speakers were talking of the importance and power of intercessory prayers. I agreed with them as I look at my own life. I am still here because of so many intercessors. Last Sunday at church I met an older brother who was in ministry. He said he is taking a little break for now. He was glad to see me and he said that many people prayed for me. People whom I've never met before. I learned that even though I might not see who I am praying for. God sees them and He wants His people to intercede for others. Thank you again for all your prayers. Even though I might not see some of you, thank you for your faithful prayers.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I am back home...

I came back down safely yesterday. I drove all the way and back. Many people were worried that I might be fatigued due to SJS. But, God gave me strength to accomplish my trip. I had a good time meeting some friends. Also, it was definetly good seeing my sister's family. Her kids are sooo cute and adorable. Every morning I woke up with Ali's (their dog) lick. Even though I am not too fond with dog, she was alright. So, now I am getting ready to speak at the Santa Monica church on 7/23 and youth retreat at Las Vegas on 8/10-12. Please continue to pray for me. I am definetly getting better because of all your prayers. Thanks again.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I will be going to San Jose

I am leaving for San Jose tomorrow after church. Please pray for safety. I am meeting a friend there. I am planning to come back on 7/12. Also, I've decided to work at KCCD. It is Korean Christian Community Development. I will be starting on 8/14. In addition, I have 2 speaking engagements during this summer. First will be on 7/23 at a Korean church in Santa Monica. Second will be a retreat at Las Vegas from 8/10-12. The church is planning to go to retreat center in Utah. I am looking forward to see what God will do. BTW, I talked to the CED Pastor and to Pastor Brandon about working in the Youth ministry again. In the near future, I will serve in the Youth ministry again. I will not be able to do what I used to do. But I will do whatever I can. Praise God. Please continue to pray for me that God will use me.