Thursday, September 28, 2006

Door is closed but not locked

Tonight, a pastor spoke about a door being closed but not locked. Another words there is a way to get in. Sometimes a gentle push and the door can be opened. When I heard that I was thankful to God. There are many things God has placed in my heart. I want to obey His call and do all things for His glory.

NK Mission School 2nd Semester

Tonight, I am going to Global Mission Church for 2nd semester of NK mission school. I thank God that I still have heart for mission. I don't know when I will go out. That's fine, because He does. I am thankful to God for allowing me to be used for His purpose. Smile for Jesus and let's continue to trust in Him. Right now I am listening to Blessed be your Name (I don't know who sings it). In the lyric, it says that He gives and takes away. but my heart will choose to say blessed be you Name. Many times it is hard for me to see all that is going on. But I will choose to say blessed be your Name.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Autumn is here

The cooler weather is nice. I remember collecting leaves when the leaves color changes. I see that time goes by fast. It is already end of September. How do you spend your time? I get asked this question a lot these days. Well, I relax at home watching TV and reading books. I realize that I am reading more books now then I have read during school years. God has a strange way of making me read more books. If you have any suggestions of a book, let me know. Have a great day in the Lord.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I made a promise to people

Today, I went to early morning prayer. It was good going there again. I will go more regularly now. Also I had breakfast with an old college friend. There were other people as well. He is a missionary with NAIM. Afterwards, I went down to Valley Christian School for the CRC Sports Tournament. I ended up staying longer than I anticipated. But the whole time I was thinking about playing next year. I wanted to go out and play but physically I could not. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. I will exercise more regularly to play next year. I see this in Christian life. There needs to be discipline and training. Please pray for me that I will not lose heart for God in this circumstance. I want to encourage everyone who are still reading this to keep on going for the Lord.

Friday, September 22, 2006

CRC Sports Tournament

Way back when I was in high school, I played volleyball in the CRC tournament. It was lots of fun. When I went to ANC I was able to play in this tournament. Since ANC is a CRC church. I played in 2004. I did not get to play last year and I was hoping to play this year. However, I will be watching from the sidelines. I will exercise more so that I will be able to play next year. I am not that good but I love playing. Now that I think about it I've not played any sports for about 2 years. I really do need to exercise. Anyone who have time, let me know.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I apologize to all who got the mass email from hi5. I clicked few buttons and next thing I know is that I sent this mass email to everyone in my address book. One good thing is that I was able to connect with people I have not seen for a long time. I am sorry if you got this email. I really don't know what it is either. I got it from a old college friend. Anyways, these days at night I've been going to the spa and the pool in our complex with my mom. It's been almost two years since I went into a pool. Even though it is cooler at night, I still love it. I hope all of you are doing well. Smile for Jesus on Thursday.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

He knows my name

It is a great feeling when someone recognize you and calls you by the right name. Last night I went to LACPC to a concert by Tommy Walker. He is the one that wrote and sung "He knows my name". He explained the reason behind the song. If you want to know read his stuff, then go to When he was telling this story I could not stop thinking about God knowing my name. One day I will see Him and I want to get ready for that great day. I just want to encourage everyone as you go to church tomorrow. Just say hello to someone by calling out their names. Have a great day in the Lord.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I am 35 years old

Dude I feel old. There were many things I wanted to be by this age. First, I thought I would married with kid (s). My plan is not same as God's. I know that His plan is better. Second, to be ordained as a reverend. Well, I got ordained last year. Praise God. Third, I thought I would be out at mission field. I believe that God's work for me in the States is not done yet to send me out. I need to patiently wait. I am not worried about my future because I know who holds my future.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Staying home once again

I stayed home today. Since I quit my job on Friday. I did a lot of errands and reflected on my staying home. I enjoy the fact that I could rest at home. I just don't want to rest too long. Lord, help me to get back into ministry as before. I am planning to meet more people and utilize my time better. Please pray for me that I will not lose heart for God. BTW, my birthday is this week. I am turning 35. Dude, I am old...

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Another wedding...

This afternoon I went to church to a wedding. He is actually JDSN at Wilshire Onnuri Church. He used to be at our church. His wife was one of young adult member. Few years back when he was pursuing to go to Fuller Seminary. I wrote him a recommendation letter. Someone came up to me after the wedding and said next time is you. Although that was not the first time hearing that I thought about that a lot. When will it be my time standing as the bridegroom? God knew what I was thinking that He reassured me and said don't worry. I will take care of you. I am much more relieved. However, I am still anxious to meet my wife. Once I do meet her I will let you all know. Please keep me in your prayers. I have my former sudents getting married and they have kids already. Thanks a lot for more pressures.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Lord help me!

Today was last day at work. The co-workers tried to keep me by explaining the reasons of how I could be beneficial to them. I was very thankful that I could be beneficial. However, my desire to serve at church was very determined. I need to show people that I could do the job. Many people are worried about my condition to be able to handle the pressure of Youth ministry. Please keep me in your prayers, I want to do my best. There are still many areas I need to improve in. But I am excited to be back in ministry.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Friday will be last day

Today, I talked with my supervisor of my early termination from Americorps Vista program. There were many factors involved for this decision. The most obvious one was that I was not happy and felt depressed. I wanted to go back into church ministry working with the Youths. I told him of my unhappiness and did not want to continue with that kind of heart. He understood, praise God. I will end on Friday. I want to say thank you to all those who prayed for me. Although I did not finish my one year commitment I learned a lot and have better understanding towards the working people. Please continue to pray for me that I will finish well. And the opportunity to work at church will be there as well.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Another week...

I hope everyone of you had good Labor Day rest. I sure did. It was good waking up late on Monday morning. God has allowed another week. Let's do our best in sharing God's love in every circumstances. Let's learn to smile. Enjoy your week in the Lord.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Happy Labor Day

I am resting at home. My parents went up to San Jose to see the Kang family. I was there last year during Labor Day but this time I decided to stay home. I am enjoying my time of rest. I am excited to go to church today and rest at home tomorrow. I hope every one of you enjoy God today at church and get some good rest tomorrow.