Thursday, November 30, 2006

My 3rd nerve in the brain

Today, I went to UCLA to see eye specialist to see the possibility to fuse my eyes into seeing one image. After many tests the results came out negative. Due to the damage with my 3rd nerve, it was not able to fuse my eyes. At first hearing this from the doctor, I thought of God, He will make it work for His glory. Then, I thought about, even if it does not happen I want to still glorify God. There are not many choices for me now. I have to do a plastic surgery to lift my eye lids and wear a black contact lense on my right eye from seeing. This procedure is for cosmetically for me to look normal and not look like I am winking at someone. Please continue to pray for God's another miracle in my life and for also for me not to lose my heart for God. I do believe God will do what He wants to do for His glory.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

He gave me another opportunity

Today, I had an opportunity to share my testimony to some moms at a bible sutdy meeting at Palos Verdes. They have their weekly bible study meeting and I was invited to share my testimony. The people there were all blessed and I gave thanks to God for using me. I shared how thankful I am towards God for letting me live. Also, not only to fix our eyes on Jesus but continue to keep our eyes on Jesus. I am simply amazed and thankful that God would use me to touch people's heart and for them to trust God more. I praise God for who He is and what He has done.

Monday, November 27, 2006

I will start full time ministry...

Thanks to all your prayers, I will start full time ministry at LA Hanmi from December. Yesterday, I spoke at the youth service. I was so blessed to be there. Ty, who is the youth pastor, is an old college friend. I have not seen him for over 12 years. God has blessed him a lot with a wife and a kid. I began to wonder, what have I done. I am excited to start ministry again. Even though I am not physically abled to do a lot like before. I am still thankful to God for allowing me to get back into ministry. Please continue to pray for me.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Fix vs. Keep

Today I was thinking about what I am preaching on this Sunday. I will preach from Hebrews 12:1-2. In the New Living Translation it says by keeping our eyes on Jesus. But on NIV it says to fix our eyes on Jesus. I like the NLT version lot better than NIV. It is easy to fix your eyes on something. But it takes discipline to keep your eyes on something. I see this with my right eye. I try to adjust my head to see one image with both eyes. I could get it to focus into one image by fixing. However, it is difficult to keep it there. This is with Jesus as well. There are so many things that could help us to fix our eyes on Jesus. But many times we don't keep it there. The pleasures of this world is too enticing to our eyes. I want to encourage everyone let's keep our eyes on Jesus by meditating on His Word and praying. The more we seek Him, the more He will reveal Himself to us.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I am thankful

These days I am thankful to God for me to live. I realize that God's plan for me is not done. I want to be obedient to all that God has called me to do. On this Thanksgiving season I have so many things to be thankful. I thank God for a wonderful parents. They love me care for me so much. I thank God for my lovely sisters and their husbands. They have encouraged me so much. I thank God for all my nieces and nephews. I love them so much. They always bring smile to my face. I thank God for being so faithful. He has always been so loving and brought people to encourage me at the right time. I am very thankful to all those still reading this. Let's give a thankful smile to God today.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Things to wrestle with

Today I had lunch with Manki Ahn. A friend from Biola. He never went to Biola. But his wife did. We became good friends. We used to eat lunch together regularly when I was going to Talbot. We were talking, and we knew each other for over 12 years. I thanked God for a friend like him. He has been very supportive and encouraged me through out these years. He was very excited for me about the new ministry position at LA Hanmi. We were talking about lots of things. But one thing that I am wrestling is with, where and what I would be doing 5 years from now. I don't have an exact plan as of now. However, I need to start planning and getting ready for it.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

LA Hanmi Church

I've decided to go to LA Hanmi to serve starting from December. I will be working with college/youth group. I am excited for this change that God has opened up. Tomorrow will be my last Sunday at ANC. I am speaking at LA Hanmi on 11/26. To all those ANC people still reading this, thank you for all your prayers and love. I've been so blessed to know all of you at ANC. It's been little bit over 2 years since serving at ANC. I am not good saying good byes. Please pray that all the students will take it well with the announcement. Continue to pray for God's name to be glorified through me. Thank you again for all your prayers.

Friday, November 17, 2006

I need to make a decision

I need to make a decision with the church by this weekend. Once I do, I will tell all of you the church I will be going to. I told the pastor I was 80-90% sure of my decision to serve at the church. I do believe God has opened up this door. The pastor is very considerate of my situation. He is willing to accept me in spite of my many shortcomings. I praise God for all that He is doing. I need to let ANC know of my decision as well. I pray that students will take it well. I am thankful to God for opening opportunities to serve Him and His people. I was in hospital 2 years ago not knowing what would happen to me. God was faithful then and I know that He will be faithful now.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

What does God want me to do?

Today I got a call from DKPC of their decision. The decision was no because they felt that my health condition is not good enough to handle the ministry. I understood what they were saying. I've been offered a position at another church and I am praying to see how God would open the door. Tonite, I graduated from the NK Unification College. It's been over 10 years since I wore a cap. I received a diploma that certifies me for missions work. I pray that God would use me for His glory. Please continue to pray for the ministry God has called me for.


Tonite, at Global Mission Church, will be graduation. The North Korea Unification College is ending today. It's been a long process. But it is coming to an end. I have definetly learned a lot from the school. The important thing is now what. I have learned a lot of NK. I have better understanding of what to pray for. I want to be patient to see all that God has planned for me. Praise God for the experience.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

God is very good to me

I really enjoyed my time at DKPC. Afterwards, there was aThanksgiving Potluck lunch. Food is always good. The people I met were really nice and I was able to see the importance of EM. Not that I did not see the importance before. In this view, God is being good to me. He is allowing me to see the importance of this ministry. While there I met this person who prayed for me because one of her friend told her about me when I was hospitalized. She was surprised to see me and thanked God for all the recovery I've made. Now, I need to wait to hear from the church. I will patiently wait to see all that God will do. Thank you for praying for me.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Dae Hueng Korean Presbyterian Church

The day has finally arrived (technically tomorrow 11/12) for me to speak at DKPC. Although I am nervous, I entrust everything to the Lord. I will be speaking on keep your eyes on Jesus from Hebrews 12:1-2. I preach from this passage along with my testimony. I pray that God would use me for His glory. This morning when I went to early morning service. Pastor Yoo said, God is big enough and good enough. Yes He is. God is most definetly big and is very good. Before, I used to end meetings with this song. God is so good. When he said that it brought lots of good memories. I praise God for His bigness and goodness. Enjoy the Lord's Day tomorrow.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Surprise meeting

Today, I went to downtown LA to have lunch with one deacon from LACPC. I had great lunch and I was walking towards my car. When all of a sudden someone called Park JDSN. I was very surprised and turned around. I had no idea who this person is. I went into the store and found out that his family goes to ANC. His family prayed for me and he recognized me walking by his store. I don't know who he is but he offered me lunch next time I come to downtown. We were talking and he mentioned how God used my sickness to have church pray in unity. When I heard that, I praised God for using me that way. His wife also mentioned that I would live initially when I was hospitalized. I know that God has a big plan for me. Lord, may I humbly be used for Your glory.

Monday, November 06, 2006

My grandfather is in heaven

Today my grandfather went to heaven. He is my mom's dad. He was struggling with complications from diabetes. Every time we call him and talk to him. He would end our conversation always praying for me. There are so many things I've learned from him about spiritual fervor for the Lord. I miss him but I know I will see him again in heaven. Please keep my grandma in your prayers. My mom is the oldest of five children. She is taking it hard because she lives so far away. May God keep the family in Korea with His comfort.

Let's pray for election tomorrow

Last night I had an opportunity to go Young Nak Church to pray for North Korea. There are so many things to pray for. I do want to continue to pray for North Korea. Also, let's pray for the election. There are so many crucial issues on the ballot. I wanted to vote but I realize that I did not register. Shame on me. But if you did register, make sure you vote with prayerful heart.

Friday, November 03, 2006

I will be preaching at Dae Hueng Korean Presbyterian Church

Next Sunday 11/12 I will be preaching in EM service at DKPC. Afterwards, I will meet with people from the search committee. Pray that I will boldly preach God's word. I am excited to see all that will do in my life.