Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Our God Knows

I am simply amazed at this truth that God knows. I am not sure where to start for preparation for the first college service. But, I am reminded that God knows and that's all it matters. I see that all the preparation cannot be compared to having God's presence with us. My prayer is that God will be glorified in our worship to Him.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Home is good

After long flight from Grand Rapids, Michigan I am at home. It is good to be back home. I had a wonderful time at the retreat. God was very gracious to me. He even poured out some snow. I guess this is from not having enough snow last year when I was there beginning of January. It is end of February and there were lots of snow. God is very good. Now I have much to prepare for this Sunday. We will have our 1st College Worship Service. Please keep me in your prayers. Thanks for all your prayers, I felt it a lot.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The retreat was great

I am back at Peter JDSN's home resting. I had a great time in the Lord at the retreat. It was good to see the way God used me to reach the students hearts. There 's lots of snow, even now as I write this. I am also planning to stay one more day. There will be a post retreat meeting tomorrow night. So I decided to stay one more day. In addition, it gives me time to get some hot wings. Thanks for your prayers. Please continue to pray for safety flying back. I had to spend a night at Houston going to Grand Rapids. I pray that snow will not be a hinderance flying back home.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

From 2/23-25

I am leaving tomorrow to Grand Rapids, Michigan. I am excited to speak on freedom we have in Christ. Please keep me in your prayers. I will be speaking 5xs. 4 at the retreat and once at the church to few English speaking congregation. I am simply amazed in what God is doing through me. It will be great to see many people who were at the youth retreat. I am also looking forward to some hot wings.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Last night, I was looking inside my desk drawer and found a guest book that people signed when I was in the hospital. When I read them I was reminded of God's faithfulness in my life. I felt the love of so many people encouraging me. There were some I did not know personally. I want to say thank you to all of you continuing to pray for me. I will continue to do my best to be faithful in God.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Freedom in Christ

That is the theme for the retreat I am speaking at Hahn In CRC in Grand Rapids Michigan. I am leaving on 2/22 and returning on 2/26. All together I will be speaking 5xs. Four at the retreat and once at the church. Keep me in your prayers. I am excited to speak the wonderful freedom we have in Christ.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I am back in LA

I had a great time up at No Cal. It was worth the long drive. It was good seeing my student, a friend from Westminster, and my sister's family. I am not tired from the trip at all. I have much to do now because I need to get ready for the retreat in Michigan. I am leaving on 2/22 and coming back on 2/26. The theme for the retreat is "Freedom in Christ". Keep me in your prayers.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

I want to wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day. I get so much love from so many people. Even though I might not have a girl in my life to enjoy this day, I am reminded of God's unconditional love for me. May all of you be reminded of God's love in your lives. He does love us so much to send His only begotten Son to this world to die for our sins. Enjoy this day by giving glory to God.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It was good visiting UC Berkeley

I really enjoyed my time at UC Berkeley. I had a good talk with the student at Zachary's Pizza. It has been a while since I had them. After lunch I met an old friend Westminster Seminary. Since he has been a college pastor for many years, I wanted to gain some advise. I was thankful for his great wisdom. I am driving back down tomorrow. Although this was short trip in seeing my sister's family, I am so glad to see them. The two nieces are too cute and I could communicate with them in words. I have to prepare for the retreat in Grand Rapids end of this month.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

UC Berkeley

On Monday I am driving up to San Jose. I am visiting a student at UC Berkeley. I will be staying at my sister's place. I am looking forward to this trip. Also, last week I saw my eye doctor. He said that medically there is nothing they could do now to fix my eyes. He said, there needs to be a miracle. So, the plan is to get a black contact lense to cover my right eye from seeing. And have a surgery to open my right eye lid to match with my left eye. I need another miracle from God. Please continue to pray for God's miracle in my life.

Friday, February 09, 2007

College Worship Service

Starting from 3/4/07, there will be College Worship Service at LA Hanmi Church. Few of the students and I talked over some detail plans for the service. I am excited to see all that God will do. Please join us through prayers as we pray for this new change. We have less than a month but I am eagerly waiting. If you have any words for me, then please let me know.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

In His hand

Yesterday, I met her and I am praying what I need to do. I've made up my mind about her but I am praying what I need to do.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Meeting tomorrow

I am meeting someone at lunch time. I will have a better idea of who she is once I meet and talk with her. A missionary couple I know is arranging this meeting. I am excited and anxious at the same time. I am so quick with my first impressions. Please, pray for me that I will not be too quick to judge and render my decision. I am praying that this will work out for me. I will update more as soon as possible.