Wednesday, March 28, 2007

God is good

I just wanted to write that our God is good. As I look back in my life, I am simply thankful for His goodness upon my life. I know that there are days I might not feel that God is good. Despite my feelings, cause my feelings are not always correct, God is good. I just wanted to remind all of you to trust in His goodness and not depend on your feelings.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Resurrection Sunday is soon

God has been and will continue to be faithful. It is almost Resurrection Sunday. The wonderful day our Lord and Savior rose from the dead. I anticipate the day when we will resurrect from this body into new one. My prayers for all of you is that you continue to trust in His faithfulness and not on your own. Have a blessing Lord's Day.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Renovations to our worship room

This week we painted our room. We got a new carpet, chairs, and PA system. Slowly our worship room is looking nice. I am thankful to God for allowing us to renovate our room. But I realize that it is not about room decorations but His Spirit. I am praying for God's Spirit to move in our group. I am excited to see all that God is doing in our midst.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

We painted our worship room

Today, we painted our worship room. I am not sure about the exact name of the paint, but it something like peach. It looks really good. John Lee from LACPC came to help out. I appreciate his help. We finished before the anticipated time. We are getting new carpet and also PA system this Saturday. Slowly, our worship room is being renovated. I also believe that many people will join us as well. We will get new chairs as well. Come check our worship room.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Living in Faith

Another thing I am experiencing a lot these days is living in faith. What does it mean to live in faith. Hebrews give definition of faith as being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. In light of this definition, I see myself living in faith. Although my faith is still small I am sure of what I hope for and certain of what I do not see in front of me. For one example, it is my future wife. I am sure and certain about this. I believe that God has prepared a person just for me. I will celebrate in God's faithfulness soon. Well, in His time. Enjoy the Lord's Day.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Living in God's grace

These days I am experiencing the wonders of God's grace. I am thankful to God for allowing me to continue to have heart for ministry. I am grateful for His amazing grace upon my life. I experience this by His daily allowance of His strength upon my life. Not to make anyone nervous, I am not losing strength. God gives me enough daily allowance just like He provided for the Israelites in the wilderness. I am grateful for His provision in my life. Enjoy your day in the Lord.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

It has been 2 years

It has been 2 years since I came out from the hospital. Although there are still some improvements I need to make, I am simply thankful to God for many progresses I made thus far. There were many concerns for me going home from the hospital. Many people worried with the fact that I would be alone at home. I was not alone. Jesus was and is still with me. I am never alone. I am amazed at the improvements I am making on a daily basis. I thank the many saints who have prayed for me. I will do my best in the ministry God has called me. Have a great week in the Lord.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Preaching on Sunday morning

It has been a while since I regularly preached on Sunday. I guess I had very relaxing days. All those relaxing time has gone and now I find joy in preparing a message for Sundays. I get excited to see what God wants to speak on every week. Please keep me in your prayers that I will be humble to hear from God.

Monday, March 05, 2007

To God be ALL the glory.

I am simply blessed by God. It is one thing to be alive. But it is a blessing to be used in the pastoral ministry. I remember when I was younger I wanted to go into ministry because pastors got paid to talk about Jesus. God has definetly called me into ministry. I believe that He has called me and I do not regret the call He has given me. I was very thankful to God for giving me opportunity to serve in preaching ministry again. I want to give God all the glory for all that He is doing in my life.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Praise Leader

I am in need of a praise leader. There was a person who volunteered but it does not seem like it's going to work out. So if anyone reading this knows anyone who is able to lead praise every Sunday. Please let me know. Keep us in your prayers for tomorrow. Thanks in advance.

Friday, March 02, 2007

College Worship Service

In just few days, we will have our own college service. I am excited to see all that God will do. It is a small group but we are strong because God surrounds us with His abundant love. I just marvel at the fact of God blessing us spiritually to be mature in Christ. Please continue to pray with us. I am also planning to preach from Matthew 6:33. We want to seek His kingdom and His righteousness. Cause we know that eveything else will be added unto us.