Saturday, April 28, 2007

Encouraged by a brother in Christ

Yesterday I met a friend who encouraged me a lot. He is one of the pastors involved with the Holy Wave (new English ministry) at Sarang Community Church. He shared some of what is going on with their church. They had a first Worship last week and around 2500 people came. I praised God for bringing so many people. He shared about reaching out to the English speaking young people. I was excited to see what God is doing. The harvest is ready and the workers need to gather the harvest. Pray for God's confidence to be upon my life as I continue to do ministry.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Continuing to trust in the Lord

This week I read the past journals my sister wrote starting from Nov. 2004. While reading I was reminded of God's faithfulness. There were many people whom I have never met but prayed for me. I want to say thank you for praying for me. Even though there are still areas I need to improve on, I want to continue to trust in the Lord. One thing I do know is that God has a wonderful plan for me. I am simply amazed at God's guidance through all that I went through. Well, I was able to go through them because He was there and still besides me.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

So, how is everyone doing?

I just wanted to write to see how everyone is doing. These days, I am spending more time at church. Spending time at church is more productive for me than going out to office at KCCD. I really liked the people at KCCD and its work. But I prefer the church ministry over anything else.
I am thankful to God for this ministry opportunity again. I pray that God will bless this ministry. So that many who do not believe Jesus as their Lord and Savior will come to know Him. Pray for me that I will not get discouraged but patiently continue to trust in the Lord.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Resurrection Sunday of 2007

The preaching on Friday morning went well. I still need to speak more loud. I guess I am realizing more and more that I was naturally soft spoken even before SJS. I really do need to improve on this area. I want to celebrate Resurrection Sunday with you all. Let's really be excited to be at church tomorrow as we celebrate Jesus resurrection from death with other believers who has the same hope. It is not about Easter bunny and eggs nor about ourselves. But its all about Jesus.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Preaching tomorrow at Early Morning Service

This week, pastors took turn preaching. It is my turn tomorrow. I will be preaching from Matthew 16:21-28. Denying ourselves and taking up the cross. I am still preparing but I am nervous because I have to preach in Korean. Although I preached in Korean before. I am very nervous. Please keep me in your prayers that I will boldly proclaim God's Word.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Passion Week

This week remembers the work Christ has done for us. Even though it happened so long ago, I thank God for His death and resurrection. I have eternal life because Jesus resurrected from the dead. This week in early morning prayer, the church theme is "The Message of the Cross". The pastors are taking turn in preaching. My turn is this Friday. I am excited to speak. My prayers for all of you is that you remember the amazing love God has poured out for us through His only begotten Son, Jesus. Enjoy this week in His wonderful peace.