Friday, June 29, 2007

Still swollen

My right eye is still swollen but the doctor said that the surgery went well and I am recovering well. He said that there are 5% of people who are not able to close their eye fully after the surgery. Praise God I am not part of that 5%. Also, he said the swelling will be there for a couple of months. It looks like someone gave a good sock in the eye. Since, the muscle from my eye brow and the muscle that helps my eye to open is attached together. My eye brow moves up every time I try to open my eye. It does not go up as high as before the surgery. I need to work on this. I will post up before and after picture ASAP. Thanks again for your prayers.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Mixed feelings

Tonight, I went to the LAX to send off a team from our church to China. I remembered many times I was there to be the one going. It has been few years since going to summer mission. I miss those days of going. But, God knows better for me to stay here and pray for those who are being sent. Please pray for me that I will be able to go next summer. I want to faithfully pray for those who are going out to summer mission and for those who are long term missionaries. I pray that the Gospel message be proclaimed and many come to saving knowledge of Christ through all the summer mission teams.

Friday, June 22, 2007

The surgery went well

Thank you for all your prayers. The surgery went well. There were some complications due to my diabetes but it ended well. I need to better take care of my diabetes. Please continue to pray for my quick recovery.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I need to be at UCLA by 8:45AM

I need to be at UCLA by 8:45 AM. The time for surgery is about 45 minutes. The doctor told me to spend about 6 hours. People asked me if I am nervous. I am not. I believe I am relaxed because of peace God is giving me. I trust that God will take care of everything. Keep me in your prayers. Also, pray for God's complete healing with my body. Thanks in advance.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Eye lid open surgery

This coming Friday, (time is not known yet), I will have a surgery to open my right eye lid. I will be able to open and close on my will. Since my eye is small, the doctor does not need to open that big. But, keep me in your prayers. I am praying that God will heal me completely with my eye. Pray for no earthquake. Nor any other disturbances during surgery. I am confident that God will take care of everything. Once I find out the time, I will inform more. But most likely it will be in the morning. Thanks in advance for your prayers.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

27 years

It has been 27 years since coming to USA. Our family immigrated here on 6/13/1980. There was only 5 in our family. Now we have 12 and 1 more coming end of this year. God has been so good to our family. Although there were some difficult times. By God's grace we were able to overcome. A lot has changed in our family. I am grateful for God's continual guidance in our family.

Friday, June 01, 2007

It seems like people are reading but no writing

I get very excited when people write a response. It does not take a whole lot to get me excited. I want to encourage all of you to write something.