Monday, July 30, 2007

God, may your mercy come upon those who are kept in hostage

I am sure all of you heard about those Koreans in hostage at Afghanistan. I just heard in the news of another person dead. There are still 21 people. Let's pray that they will not lose heart for God. Let's pray for those family members in Korea that they will not lose heart for God. Also, for those reading in a free country, be thankful. In addition, pray for yourselves that your faith in God will grow through this situation.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I must not be weary in serving the Lord

These days I see myself not working as hard as before. I have no excuse. Please pray for me that I will not lose heart in serving God. I want to be faithful to God. I am accountable to God and I want to be faithful to Him. I am preaching to others to be faithful, I need to listen to my own preaching.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

20,000 people

Since November 2004, little over 20,000 people have read the posts. I am sure many of the people reading are still praying for me. Thank you. I am not fully back to healthy condition. But I am getting better little by little. However, please pray for me that I will continually trust in God. I have no doubts that God will use me. Pray that I will prayerfully wait for God's timing. I want to thank everyone of you reading and praying for me. I am thankful for so many of you. May the Lord richly bless every one of you. I love you all

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Forgetting what is behind and looking ahead

This past Sunday, I preached from Philippians 3. This was Paul's confession of his past as garbage. Now that he is in Christ, he finds far greater value in his life. He tells in this letter to forget what is behind and look ahead. This has been a big encouragement to me. If I think about the past, when I was more healthier than now, I am very discouraged. But I was reminded not to dwell in the past but look ahead. I anticipate all that God will do. I want to look ahead in trusting God.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Pray for me that I will not lose heart for God

These days God is testing with my endurance to seek after Him. If I think about my current conditions. Then I am really sad. I want to continually seek after God no matter my condition. Satan is really after me to give up. I am not motivated to do lots of things. But one thing I want to seek after is God's guidance in my life. Please pray for me that I will not lose heart for God.

Saturday, July 07, 2007


Today is 777. There were so many weddings planned for today. I went to a wedding as well. They were my teachers when I was serving at Global Mission Church. So many people believe that this day will bring lots of luck. At the wedding I met a "hyung" I knew when I was in high school. He knew my circumstances and was so glad to see me doing better. He made a comment of how God was going to use me. Since I recovered from death. He said God must have some great plan for you. I thought about that statement a lot. Especially on this 777 day. I know God has big plan for me. I just anticipate how God will use me. I am more grateful to God for allowing me to serve Him.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Birthday USA

Today, it is USA birthday. I praise God for using this country's people to bring so many people to Christ. There are still great work to be done. I know that there are many people from this country who wants to be used by God. God is not done with this country. I am continuing to pray to see all that God will do. Enjoy your day in the Lord.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


I've been thinking and realizing that I have so much freedom in this country. Just the fact that I could write this without any problems. Praise God for America. There are so many men and women fighting for this freedom. I need to pray for them. I want to encourage you all the more important freedom we have. This freedom is found in Christ alone. To be in Christ means that we are truly free. Let's praise God for Christ and for what He has done for us so that we could be free.