Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I need your prayers...

I'm in a dilemma to choose what is the right thing that God wants me to do. I can not write in detail but please keep me in your prayers that I will choose what God wants me to do. I am torn between these choices. I will update more in detail when it is possible.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Today I went to go eat Lobster at a Lobsterfest near Redondo Beach. Even though it was little over 1 lb., it was good. I went with another pastor from church. We both agreed to go next year with our families. He has a wife and three kids. And I need to bring my wife. A lot can happen in a year. Today I went to 2 weddings. One was at LA Hanmi and the other one at Anaheim. I realized that I should get married soon. Well, I realized this many years ago.

Friday, September 14, 2007

36 years

It is hard to believe but I am 36 years old. But what is more amazing is that I am not married with kids. When I was younger, I told my parents that I would get married when I was 25. God has a different plan. I received several calls from people to congratulate my birthday. I told them, I don't have a girlfriend, YET. Yes, in God's perfect time, I will meet a special person for my life. I want to continue live my life for HIS glory. Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Yesterday, while getting a haircut

Yesterday, while I was getting a haircut. The person giving me the haircut asked me few things. I talked to her before but nothing like what we talked about yesterday. One thing I said that keeps lingering in my heart is don't give up. Satan wants Christians to give up. But we must not give up no matter the situation. Another power we have is prayer. By simply praying, I believe we have won the battle already. Praying to God is believing that He will take care of everything. Few years ago I read a slogan. It said, when we work, we work. But when we pray, God works. I want to encourage all of you to pray so that God will work in each of our lives.