Monday, November 26, 2007

God answered our prayers

For the past several weeks, we've been praying for something. And God answered our prayers today. Few weeks ago my mom lost her wallet and inside was her Resident Card. All we had to do was to get a replacement. But she was planning to go to Mexico on 12/24. The INS said it usually takes about 6 months. We did not have that kind of time. The Mexico trip was planned few months back with both parents and me. She was really bummed out thinking she might not go. So we decided to pray for God to do a miracle. Well, today in mail we received her wallet along with her Card. I praised God for answering our prayers. Also, tomorrow marks 2 years since I got ordained as a Reverend. Although I still have many flaws. I thank God that He is using me. In addition, I will be speaking at The Bridge Church EM service this coming Sunday. I am excited to see all that God will do.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello everyone, I just want to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving. There are so many things I am thankful for. I thank God for allowing me to be alive. It has been over 3 years since being in the hospital. I thank God for giving 2 eyes. He knew in advance that if one had a problem. The other one could still see. I thank God for the strength He has given me to do many things now. Although there are still many things I cannot do. I thank God for the things I am able to do. Yesterday, when I met my friend for accountability. There were 2 other brothers who joined us. I was able to share my testimony of what God has done in my life to them. They were both blessed and encouraged through what God is doing in my life. I was reminded of God's goodness and His faithfulness in my life. Enjoy all that God has given to us.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I am safely at San Jose

Thanks to all your prayers I made it safely to San Jose. It is great seeing both of my sisters and Rachel for the first time. I am meeting one of my friend for accountability time tomorrow. We started meeting on Weds. morning in LA. But since both of us are up in San Jose, we will meet up here. Please keep us in your prayers. I am excited to see all that God will do. I am driving back down with my mom on Sunday. She is coming up here on Greyhound on Sat.

Monday, November 19, 2007

I am going up to San Jose

Tomorrow, I will be driving up to San Jose. First, I was planning to take a bus. I guess God had a different plan. I've done this before so I don't worry too much. But please keep me in your prayers. My older sister from Mexico is coming tonight to San Jose. So it will be little family reunion. Praise God. I promised to treat my older sister for a meal. So I am looking forward to that. I am looking forward to see Rachel as well. Also, during yesterday's Thanksgiving service. I was reminded to give thanks in all that I am able to do. I want to encourage all of you to finish this year well in the Lord. Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Be a good mom

Today, as I was reflecting about my younger sister's new baby, Rachel. I could not notice the fact that Sandy saw how my mom raised us and I have no doubt that Sandy will do a good job and maybe even better. I want to say and more specifically to write that my mom is the best and I thank God that He gave her to me. I love you "uhmma" (Korean for mom).

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The 4th niece

This morning my younger sister, Sandy, gave birth to Rachel Kang. Both mom and baby are doing well. They will be going home tomorrow. I am thankful to God for allowing Rachel to come into this world. Also for allowing Sandy to be fine. Please pray for the Kangs because now they have a handful. Good job Sandy. I will be a good uncle to Rachel as well.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness

Yesterday, was the last college service. I preached from Matthew 6:19-34. I used these passages when we first started the college service. The message I wanted to give to the students were the same. I wanted them to know that as long as we seek God's Kingdom first. Then God will take care of everything else. I do believe that God will take care of everything in my life, in His time. Today is the 3rd anniversary of going into the hospital for the 1st time back in 2004. As I see my life, I see that God has taken care of me. Although, I am not physically able like before. I do believe that God will able me even better than before. Thank you again for all your prayers.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

With God all things are possible

Tonight I went to a special concert with my mom. It was Lena Maria. She has no arms and one of her leg is short. Yet, she is able to do so much with what she has. She has a beautiful voice and she sings to praise God. She uses her foot like we use our hands. Her toes are like our fingers. She cooks and even drives with them. There was a clip of her swimming. Remember, she has no hands. I thought about myself. I have more than she does. Although I have limitations. God does not and all things are possible with God. Tomorrow will be the last college service. I praise God for the opportunity He has given me to serve. I will not lose heart for God and in His time everything will be great. Have a blessed Lord's Day.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Life-Changing Prayer

For 2 weeks our church is having special early morning prayer. God has really blessed me through various speakers. The theme is "Life-Changing Prayer". There are still unanswered prayer requests. But that does not mean God will not answer them. It just means it is not His time yet. I will continue to be faithful to Him because He has been faithful to me. Also, I had lunch with one of my old college friend. We used to keep each other accountable and we will do that again. We decided to meet once a week to pray and read the Bible. I am excited to see what God will do. Let's not lose heart for God.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Happy birthday noona

God has blessed me with 2 great sisters. And it is my older sister Elaine's birthday today. She has been a big encouragement and a blessing to me through out the years. I am very proud of her in that she is serving God at Mexico. Although I do not see her regularly with my eyes. She is always in my prayer which means I do see her spiritually. I want to wish her a special birthday blessing. And I want to say, I love you and I thank God He has given you as my older sister. I will treat you to a nice meal when you come to Sandy's home.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Thanks for the love

Few of you called to wonder what is going on. Thank you. One of these days, I will try to explain. But for now I just want to be reminded of how much I am loved by many people. God is surely good in letting me know that I am in His care. Although, it has been rough, I thank God for letting me go through this time. Also, this Sunday will be my last College Service at LA Hanmi Church. I will be at church until 12/23. But I will not be in charge of any ministry. So, if you know of any church looking for a full time pastor. Please let me know.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

I do not despair

Things happened tonight that makes me trust in the Lord even more. Satan is doing everything possible to discourage me and give me reasons to give up. But, I will cry out blessed be His Name. I still am not sure how things will turn out. But I am confident God knows and He is still in control. I find comfort in Him.