Sunday, January 20, 2008

God answered one of the prayer

I will explain more in detail after the other one is answered. But thanks for your prayers. I am still waiting for the other answer. So, please keep me in your prayers. I know that God will be glorified in all things. I will prayerfully wait for God's timing.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Waiting for Lord's timing

It is hard waiting for the Lord's timing. There are couple of things I am waiting for. And the reason I am writing is for you to pray for me, that I will be patient. Being anxious does not help, but I am anxious. I most likely told others to be patient in the Lord. But it is hard. Please pray that I will trust in the Lord and be patient.

Monday, January 07, 2008

It's already 1/8/08

7 days have passed already in the new year. Tonight I had dinner with some people from LACPC. One of them was my former student. He is no longer in school, but working. We were talking how this is the year for me. I told him yes, this is the year for the Olympic in Beijing. I told him that I would not hang out with you once I get a girl. He was sad when I said that but he said he would be happy about a girl in my life. He just said to let him know when that happens. I do believe this is the year for me. Many things will happen this year and I am praying that God's will be done in my life.

Friday, January 04, 2008

My older brother's birthday

Today is Abraham Lee's birthday. He is getting older every year. It was good seeing him last week at Mexico. I thank God for giving me Abraham in my life. I always wanted a brother and I have two brothers through my two sisters. God is faithful in giving to His child. Hyung I love you very much and may this year in your life bring glory to God.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

It's good to be home

Since 12/24, I've been traveling to Mexico and to San Jose, CA. I am finally home and I am ready begin the new year. I have lot of anticipation for this year. One thing God is placing in my heart is to be a better witness for Christ. I want to tell others of the Gospel of Jesus to those who have never heard. I want to challenge you the same. Let's share Jesus to people around us.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Thanks to all your prayers, my parents and I are safely back home. This year began at the airport. Maybe this is God's way of saying that I will travel a lot. Once we get some rest, three of us will drive to San Jose to visit Sandy's family. I just want to wish everyone happy new year.