Sunday, May 25, 2008

Praying for a new ministry

Lord willing, I will be moving to a new ministry starting soon. I will write more in details after I talk to some people. But please pray for me. I still have to meet with the church elders for final approval. I am looking forward to this new full time position. Thanks for your prayers.

Monday, May 12, 2008

I want to be faithful to His calling

Today I had lunch with someone who used to be at LACPC. We had lunch and afterwards sat at Coffee Beans on Wilshire and Western. That location brought lots of memory. I remember taking bus to school everyday on that corner. I graduated from Jr. High (John Burroughs) in 1987. Wow, that was many years ago. But that's when I realized what I wanted to be, a pastor. I wanted to be pastor to teach about Jesus and make a difference in young people's lives to be more like Jesus. There is a ministry in LA that does that. I want to go visit them this week on Thursday. Lord, help me to be faithful to your calling in my life.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Parents' Day

Today is Parents' Day in Korea. Although we celebrate this Sunday as Mother's Day and on June Father's Day. But, today is Parents' Day. I thank my parents for loving me so much. I called them during lunch time and they were both grateful for me to call them. I want to encourage all of you to call your parents today. Remember, you would not be here on earth if it was not for them.