Monday, June 30, 2008

Building a lasting relationship

Tonight, I had dinner with one of my former student from LACPC. I was his high school pastor. He is now 26 and teaching English at a high school in West Covina. I saw him last about a year ago. I thank God that I made some impact on his life that he would still see me. As I was meeting with him, I realized how important having a lasting relationship is. So, if anyone is willing to meet up for a meal with me. Let me know.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Just Do It

Few years ago, Nike had a logo saying "Just Do It." This is what I need to hear. I see myself being more lazy than usual. I should be spending these days more productively. But I don't. Please tell me to spend my time more productively. I just need to do it. Do you guys know what PUSH stands for? It is Pray Until Something Happens. Yes, I need to pray until something happens.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Personal reflections

Yesterday, I got a call from a pastor whose church I applied for a position. He said that the elders were against hiring me because I was not married. I understood but I am sad. I was willing to move near the church and was looking forward to the new ministry opportunity. I am still looking for a new ministry position. So please keep your eyes open and let me know. Also, continue to pray for me that I will find a suitable mate. I am disappointed but I trust that the Lord will provide both place of ministry and mate.

Friday, June 13, 2008

28 years in the USA

Today marks our family's 28th year in the USA. There were many difficult times but God has been faithful in delivering us from them. Praise God. There were 5 when we came to US. However, we are now 13. And few more to go. I thank God for blessing our family in the past many years. And I thank God for continuing to bless our family in the many years to come.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Youth ministry pastor

On Wednesday I am meeting with a pastor for a possible youth ministry pastor position. I was very hesitant when someone told me about this position. I felt my age and health condition was not fair for the students. However, today I called the pastor to have a meeting on Wednesday. I want to do youth ministry again before I turn 40. I only have few more years. Also, this church is in Koreatown and I always wanted to do ministry in that area. Please keep me in your prayers. I really want to do youth ministry in Koreatown.