Monday, September 29, 2008

I am not lying

I want to write to tell all of you that I am not lying like April Fool's Day. There is a real person whose name is Elena Kim who is in a relationship with me. She asked me not to put her personal information, so I am not. But, I am driving down to TJ tomorrow to see her. This is my 4th time driving down. I have no regrets going down. I am planning to take pictures with my phone camera. I'll try to post pictures to show you that I am telling the truth.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

2 important announcements

I have 2 important announcements. First is that I am finally courting someone. Her name is Elena Hyewon Kim. She is originally from Korea but lives in Tijuana Mexico. I went down to TJ few times already. I've met her parents and she came up yesterday to meet my parents. Both of our parents approve with this relationship. So if anyone has suggestions for me let me know. Second is I spoke at a church for a EM pastor position. The church is in Koreatown. I want God's guidance as I seek His guidance.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

37 years old

Yes, today is my 37th birthday. I am thankful for the life God has given me. There has been many things that happened in my life and I want to use each experiences to be used for God's glory. Last night during dinner my dad prayed for me. He usually prays that I would find a future wife. But instead he prayed for thanksgiving that I was still alive and that I will be faithful as a pastor. I was very blessed and encouraged by that prayer. Also, I want to thank all of you for praying for me. I love you all very much.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Praying for God's wisdom

There has been few things that happened recently in my life. I am reconsidering many changes that I've been planning. For one thing, I am reconsidering about DTS. I will be looking into ministry outside of Southern CA. There are so many needs outside of So Cal. Let me know it there are any possible ministry opportunities. But, I want to be sensitive to God's leading. So keep me in your prayers.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Let's pray for this country

I am sure all of you are aware of presidential election coming this November. For those who are able to vote, make sure you are all registered to vote. There are lots of talk of Sarah Palin (Vice presidential candidate for the Republican Party). I don't want to say or that. But I want to encourage all of us to pray that God fearing and God honoring leader will be elected. It is our responsibility as people living in America to pray for America.