Thursday, December 09, 2004


The nurse informed me that nothing significant was found from the lumbar puncture and MRI. I have yet to speak with the doctor regarding more specific results, but we praise Jesus that nothing significant was found.
Today, Keith will undergo an echocardiogram to check how his heart is functioning.

Continue to pray that NOTHING abnormal will be found in his internal organs, that his shaking will stop, and that he will wake up soon.

For your information, his daily routine consists of (among other things):
-sitting up in a chair for a few hours
-bathing every other day
-the nurses try to have him brush his teeth, but his motor skills are not fine tuned yet.

One funny story:
-The nurses started to leave the TV on to stimulate Keith. The first day, the sports channel was on. The other day, they had the Christian broadcast on. It's wonderful to know the nurses are really catering to his interest and needs, but I told the nurse yesterday that Keith is probably not interested in the Christian channel - at least the one they had on for him. So, the sports channel will be left on...The nurses there are just wonderful and caring.


At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, thank you for the positive result from the test. Thank you for the caring nurses you've placed around Keith. Amen -Allen/sjcac

At 6:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we're all praying for you keith~ WE LOVE U!!!! *** eunie~


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