Friday, March 25, 2005

remembering Christ's death...

"I have been crucified with Christ
and I no longer live,
but Christ lives in me.
The life I live in the body,
I live by faith in the Son of God" (gal. 2:20)

As we reflect on Christ's death today, I am reminded of my first encounter with Keith after his surgery at the burn center. Just imagine pictures you've seen with the crown of thorns and blood marks all over Jesus' body. That was the image I saw as Keith lay on his bed so quietly. After 4 long months, we have definitely witnessed the new, resurrected Keith - brand new skin, so tender and soft. Really, it is. I would never touch my brother's feet, but I feel it once in a while because it is so soft like my baby's feet.

We praise God that He continues to answer prayer. This morning, all therapy sessions were set for the next 4 weeks. Keith will receive OT and PT 3x/week, and speech therapy twice a week.

We also praise God that we found an opthalmologist who is covered under Keith's insurance. He will see the doctor in mid-April. Thanks to those who have tried to assist us in this way.

Remember to send your love to Keith at
If anyone wants to keep Keith company after I leave next week, please email him or call me at 408-476.6858.


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