Monday, September 26, 2005

God is good

I am usually at home resting. I just did not know it would be this long. I am resting from all the past days I could not rest and even for days to come. I thank God for this time of rest. One thing I realized is this that as long as you are alive God still has plans for you. Have a great day in the Lord. Don't give up...

Friday, September 23, 2005

I am getting ordained as a pastor

Shalom to everyone who are still praying for me. Thank you. I would like to invite every one of you to the ordination service which will be on 11/27 4PM at All Nations Church (Onnuri Church in Sunland) If you want an official invitation or direction because you are that kind of person, please give me your address via email And as soon as I make it I will send it to you. There are many who are praying for me and I want to meet you to say "thank you for praying, God heard your prayers". Also, come to eat. It's on me.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Celebrating LIFE!

(from Keith's sis)
Today is my brother's birthday! Happy Birthday to the best brother! Today, we celebrate 3_ years of life, but more than that, we celebrate the new and abundant life God has given to him.
This past Sunday, the ANC youth teachers and parents organized a surprise party to celebrate Keith's return to full time ministry and his birthday. In the picture are our parents and our niece and nephews from Mexico. We are so thankful that Keith is surrounded by so many people who love him and pray for him regularly. Continue praying for his eye!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I am just relaxing too long

I am back home from San Jose. Thanks to the Kangs I had a great time. I also started preaching again at church. I am prevented from driving until I am able to see from both of my eyes. I am praying that it will happen soon. I feel like a high school stdent who is waiting to drive. I know I can. I know I can. I did actually drive already but my family is worried. I do understand. Please pray for patience in my life. Also, I am planning to get ordained on 11/27. Please come out to that. I want to see people who have been praying and reading this blog spot. Thanks again for all your prayers.

Monday, September 05, 2005

ANC Youth on fire!

This picture reflects what is going on at ANC. Peter jdsn wrote and said the ANC youth was never seen praying so fervently and passionately in the past years until NOW. It is no coincidence that Keith was called to serve at ANC. It is no coincidence that Keith endured all the suffering he did. It is no coincidence that revival is breaking out. It is no coincidence because God is doing it all.
(by Keith's sis)

Family Reunion at San Jose

We had a family reunion in San Jose. It was wonderful to have our entire family together (minus brother Abraham still in Mexico). I haven't seen my brother since May and I was quite shocked to see how much he's regained his strength and speech. His body looks almost back to normal...b/c he's gained a lot of his weight back. The only thing remaining is his right eye. He is able to open his eye, but is unable to move his pupil and has double vision. He was given the option to surgically correct the vision, but he wants to wait to receive God's full healing. God has proved He is ABLE, so my brother continues to trust in His healing power until his full recovery is made.

He came to visit our church on sunday. The entire church had prayed for him fervently. So many came up to him, to shake his hand, because he is a living miracle of God.
(by Keith's sis)