Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Celebrating LIFE!

(from Keith's sis)
Today is my brother's birthday! Happy Birthday to the best brother! Today, we celebrate 3_ years of life, but more than that, we celebrate the new and abundant life God has given to him.
This past Sunday, the ANC youth teachers and parents organized a surprise party to celebrate Keith's return to full time ministry and his birthday. In the picture are our parents and our niece and nephews from Mexico. We are so thankful that Keith is surrounded by so many people who love him and pray for him regularly. Continue praying for his eye!


At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Keith

It was good seeing you. I'll be at your ordinaation on Nov. 27th. Oh! It's great that to see you back at your church in full time ministry.

At 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Keith

It was good seeing you. I'll be at your ordinaation on Nov. 27th. Oh! It's great that to see you back at your church in full time ministry.


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