Wednesday, June 29, 2005

well done, good and faithful servant!

I (Keith's sister) sense this would be God's word to Keith after his testimony tonight. He called me at midnight time in Dallas, Texas. He shared everything went well. There was a video presentation and he shared in an interview format. There are about 5,000 people there. What a wonderful opportunity to declare to the masses that Jesus is still alive. God still performs miracles! Keith is the living proof that God is ABLE.

Here's a brief summary of what's been happening in Keith's life.
-Several weeks ago, he stopped his speech/occupational/physical therapies at Good Samaritan.
-A PT comes to the house twice/week to work with him. His improvement and healing continues in remarkable ways.
-The #3 nerve in the brain is still healing. He can open his right eye but it cannot stay open. He still has double vision. His left arm is strenghtening, but still weak in many ways.
-Early August, he will see an eye doctor from UCLA. Hopefully, they will determine what is best to correct his vision and right eye.

I am truly encouraged by my brother's continuous joy and laughter through these times. There are so many reasons to live discouraged and depressed, but Keith has not lost his sense of humor through many trials. Indeed, God is the lifter of his soul.

Prayer items during JAMA:
-That Keith would find rest and refreshment in the Lord during this conference.
-Good health as he has to eat out and be under a lot of Texas heat.
-A fellow pastor from ANC is giving Keith insulin shots at night. We praise God that He provides all the right people to serve him.
-He will return Saturday. Pray that he will have good bonding time with his youth and people there.


At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great going Keith!!!
We all are here to pray for you and ANC kids in JAMA.
Tell Pastor Peter,Kids and ANC EM guys hello for me^^

At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AWESOME Keith!!!

Last year's Jama was the last time I saw you. I've been reading up through this website...praying for you. Btw, your family is so wonderful!

I am amazed and give praise to God for His wonders in your life! I wish I could have been at this Jama to hear your testimony. I would love to hear one day from your mouth. Surely, God spoke through you and I'm certain His smile was on you as you shared your testimony.

Be Strong and Courageous as you have been Keith... God will indeed continue to take you by the hand...His mercy and goodness chasing you all the days of your life.

God Bless!!!


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