Monday, March 28, 2005

avoiding "hot" foods

A doctor suggested Keith does not eat "hot" foods as his body seems to have a lot of heat. This was sad news to him because chicken is considered a "hot" food. However, he is willing to eat appropriate foods to lower his body heat. And it's interesting that when he eats "hot" foods, the internal heat makes his skin very until he's fully recovered, please do not offer him any chicken.

Yesterday, Keith's friend at church got ordained. They had planned to get ordained together early this January. Yet, God had other plans for Keith and wanted him to ordained on his own sometime in the near future. He is now taking active steps to submit all the necessary paper work to qualify for an oral interview for ordination. Pray that he will get his full voice and strength back, so that he can proceed with all the ordination procedures. I'm anticipating that it will be at Keith's ordination service, many people will come to hear his powerful testimony of God's saving grace. His testimony will once again silence the enemy who has been defeated from gaining victory over Keith's life and calling for ministry.

Keith is slowly stepping back into youth ministry. Starting yesterday, Resurrection Sunday, he gave his first "sermon" (it may have lasted around 5 minutes) to the youth before the intern pastor gave a full-length sermon. One of the teachers shared that Keith challenged the kids to be thankful in ALL circumstances and to live a life of prayer. I can personally testify that Keith has lived out this particular sermon through his tremendous journey.


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