I've been asked to preach few times and
I would like ask each one of you to pray for me.
It is encouraging to know that there are many people
praying and God is answering those prayers.
Here is the schedule:
7/23 Early Morning Service at LA Hanmi Church
(I have to speak in English and Korean)
7/29-31 Good Seed Church (Dallas) Youth Retreat.
I will be preaching 4xs. I will leave on the 28th and
come back on the 31st.
The retreat theme is "reigniting the fire".
Thank you again for all your prayer support.
Keith Park
Looks as the time to reap the fruit as an aftermath of what God brought you through is here... Praise the Lord.
I pray that when you open your mouth, He will speak and you will be a mere vessel that he uses and a channel of blessings...
Love, Helen Kang
Hello, pastor Keith.
Pray for Senior Kids.
You know I pray for you^^
See you soon...
that's awesome, boasting in our weakness for His glory
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I knew that God would answer our prayers for you, big guy. And through your ordeal, God wants to use you even more mightily. Reenah and I have been praying for you. Praise God for using us when we are so weak. Thank you for being an example and inspiration to us.
In his grace,
Bobby and Reenah and Owen.
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