Monday, November 28, 2005

I am a official reverend now

Yesterday was my last day as a JDS. I am a official reverend with all the rights and benefits that follow with it. People ask me how I feel. To be honest, I am not sure how I feel. Mostly, I am thankful to God that I could be His servant. I guess being a reverend will bring lot more work. I am looking forward to it. Help me God. I want to thank everyone of you for praying for me. I will not be here without your prayers. I will try to post pictures as soon as I get them. Have a blessing week. It's getting cold so dress warm.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thanksgiving is tomorrow

I can't wait for tomorrow. One of the reason is that I could not celebrate last year's Thanksgiving. I want to eat some turkey and other tasty stuff I shouldn't be eating . Second, I get to see my entire family members. Even as I write this my younger sister's family is driving down from San Jose. I get to see my nieces again. Third, there are some people coming over for dinner tomorrow whom I have not seen for a long time. Finally, I am thankful to God for giving me opportunity to live again. I know that I will be fine. Thanks again for all your prayer and hope to see all of you this Sunday at the service. Come and celebrate what God has done.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Thanksgiving Sunday

As for me, Thanksgiving 2004 is not in my memory. It sounds sad but as I write this I am very thankful. As I look back this year 2005, I am simply amazed to see all that God has done. This afternoon, I read from a notebook of things people wrote while I was in the hospital. Good number of them was for me to wake up. I guess I was enjoying my sleep little too much. I am thankful for all that He has done. God truly is faithful and worthy to be praised. By the way, I did do well with the interview. I was ordained on Thursday night. So, I am actually writing this as a reverend and no more as JDS. I feel more pressure. One of the thing I said in the interview was "No Turning Back". I said this as I was answering my salvation in Jesus Christ. I do believe that firmly and confident to see what God will do.
What are you thankful for? If you don't have one, be thankful that you are still alive. Don't waste your life away but be thankful.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I will be ordained today

This evening, if all goes well, I will be ordained. I am thankful that God has brought me safely this far. I know that He will continue be by my side. I also want to thank many of you are still praying and thinking about me. Even though I have never met in person, I am in debt to you. I promise to be a faithful servant for God.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

How much am I thankful?

As I write this, I am simply thankful that I can write this. Last year around this time, I was in the hospital not knowing what was wrong with me. This coming Thurs. evening I will get interview for my ordination. I am praying that everything will go well. It's hard to believe that this day is finally coming. After the interview, I will be ordained by the ECA ordination board. There will be separate service on 11/27 at 4pm. I am thankful to God, especially during this Thanksgiving season.

Friday, November 11, 2005

it's already one year

On 11/12/04, I went into the hospital for 4 months stay. It was good restful time for me. I know that God knew I needed some rest. When I think about this past year, I am thankful to God. There were so many obstacles in my way but He has helped me to go through. Last year around this time, I remember scratching from all the itchiness. Thanks again for all your prayers. In less than a month I will be ordained as a pastor. Wow, God is good. All the time. Amen!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Eye check-up

I went for a eye-check today. There was no significant differences to my eye. The doctor said that my right eye muscle is weak. At least moving from side to side. He suggested that I should have surgery to strengthen the eye muscle. I am praying for a miracle. I know that everything will be fine. He brought me this far. And I know that He will take care of me .

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Some thoughts before I go to sleep

It's been two weeks since I preached. I know what I am going to preach on tomorrow but I am still nervous. I guess it's a good thing. Gives me more reasons to depend on God and not on my own strengths. I will be getting ordained this month. It's hard to believe that I am going to be a reverend. I just thank the Lord for the opportunity and I want to be faithful to Him. God is good and He really knows what He is doing.