Thanksgiving Sunday
As for me, Thanksgiving 2004 is not in my memory. It sounds sad but as I write this I am very thankful. As I look back this year 2005, I am simply amazed to see all that God has done. This afternoon, I read from a notebook of things people wrote while I was in the hospital. Good number of them was for me to wake up. I guess I was enjoying my sleep little too much. I am thankful for all that He has done. God truly is faithful and worthy to be praised. By the way, I did do well with the interview. I was ordained on Thursday night. So, I am actually writing this as a reverend and no more as JDS. I feel more pressure. One of the thing I said in the interview was "No Turning Back". I said this as I was answering my salvation in Jesus Christ. I do believe that firmly and confident to see what God will do.
What are you thankful for? If you don't have one, be thankful that you are still alive. Don't waste your life away but be thankful.
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