Thursday, March 30, 2006

Commissioning Service

Last night, I went to Young Nak Church in LA to a Commissioning Service. The missionaries are, Youngtae Joseph and Miran Danielle Choi. They will be going to Cambodia in June. Their initial plan was to go to China. However, God's plan was for Cambodia. I knew Danielle from working at LACPC. It is exciting to see God working on their lives for His glory. Please pray for them on these points: 1) For God's provision (prayer & finance) by 6/1 for us to leave in June; 2) To prepare spiritually and emotionally; 3) To have good closure to the life in USA; 4) To love the Cambodian people with God's love. Thank you again for all your prayers. Also, it was my second time driving at night time. I thank God for protecting me.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Driving at night time

Tonight, I drove home from a meeting at night. Last time I drove at night was November, 2004. I am thankful to God for bringing me safe. Slowly, I am doing lot more like before. This week I will try to go to Bally's to workout. There are so much to do this week. This coming Wed. there is a send off service at Young Nak Church in LA. And on 4/2 (Sunday) there is an ordination service at Global Mission Church. God is not done with me yet.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Jeremiah's cry

These days I am reading from Jeremiah for devotion. This book reminds me of how much God loves His people. The people of Israel do whatever they want to do neglecting God. But God still shows favor to them. He still has person like Jeremiah praying for the people of Israel to repent and turn towards God. I pray that I will be like Jeremiah and not give up. Enjoy the favor of God today.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Neng Myun and Galbi

Today I saw an old college roommate, Han Young. After chiropractic, we had lunch together. We had Neng Myun and Galbi. It was very delicious. We met several times for lunch before and every time I am thankful to God for giving me a good friend. Even though we don't get to see each other all the time like we once did during college years. These short lunches are good as well. He is married with a daughter. He beat me in that one. However, I will not be solo forever. Don't misunderstand me. I am not seeing anyone yet. My single days will not last forever. I don't have GOC (Gift of Celibacy). Have a great evening in the Lord.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Easter or rather Resurrection Day is soon

Jesus Resurrection Day is soon. I am thankful that Jesus came to this world to take upon Himself the sins and die on the cross. More than that, He resurrected from the dead to give hope of eternal life. I want to be faithful until He calls me home, the eternal home. Let's share the hope of resurrection to the people around us.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Looking at the Pacific Ocean

Today I went to the beach. I went with my brother-in-law, Abraham. I used to go to the beaches a lot before. Every time I go I reflect on this one thing. Although there are lots of things I am thinking about these days. This one thing refreshed me today. That is how wide the love of God is. I am sure many of you know the song, "He's got love like an ocean". Every time I look out to the ocean I am reminded of that song and the truth of God's love. Knowing that God's love is vast as the ocean is very comforting and reassuring. We also went to Santa Monica Pier to have lunch. We were able to park the for free with my Handicapped Sign. I love it. It was very windy and cold. We could not stay too long. I walked around the Pier. There were lots of people. I even took a picture for these Japanese tourists. It was good getting some fresh air and sunlight. I thank God for my brother, Abraham. He knew I needed this. Remember, the love of God, it is wide like an ocean.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

It has been one year since coming out from Good Samaritan

It's hard to believe that one year has gone by since coming out from Good Sam. I still remember my first meal coming out from the hospital. My parents and I went Dae Sung Oak to eat Suhl Lung Tang. It was good. A lot has happened since then. I went to Yellowstones with my parents, shared testimony at JAMA conference in Dallas, speaker at summer retreat at Good Seed Church youth retreat in Dallas, spoke at early morning prayer at LA Hanmi Church (my parents attend here), spoke at winter retreat at Hahn In CRC youth retreat in Michigan. Also, spoke every Sunday to the high school family. I met lots of people whom God has allowed me to meet. I got ordained as a reverend. I got an eye surgery. Wow, as I look back I am thankful to God for bringing me thus far. There are lot more daily things He has provided. Once again, I believe that as long as you are alive God has a plan. I want to thank everyone of you for praying for me. I do believe your prayers. God heard. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

It's almost a year

This coming Sunday (3/12) marks one year since coming out from Good Samaritan. I was walking around tonight with mom outside and I told her it's almost a year since coming out from the hospital. I could vaguely recall staying inside the hospital room wondering when I will leave this place. It's hard to believe that a year has passed. God is very good and He really knows what He is doing.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Thank God for two eyes

I am thankful to God for giving two eyes. He knew in advance just in case one does not work properly to rely on the one that works. I can see with my left eye. Although I can see with my right eye, I don't open it because I still see double. Also, the swelling went down a lot but it is still there. There are so many things to be thankful. Make a habit to be thankful, you will not be sad.