Sunday, March 12, 2006

It has been one year since coming out from Good Samaritan

It's hard to believe that one year has gone by since coming out from Good Sam. I still remember my first meal coming out from the hospital. My parents and I went Dae Sung Oak to eat Suhl Lung Tang. It was good. A lot has happened since then. I went to Yellowstones with my parents, shared testimony at JAMA conference in Dallas, speaker at summer retreat at Good Seed Church youth retreat in Dallas, spoke at early morning prayer at LA Hanmi Church (my parents attend here), spoke at winter retreat at Hahn In CRC youth retreat in Michigan. Also, spoke every Sunday to the high school family. I met lots of people whom God has allowed me to meet. I got ordained as a reverend. I got an eye surgery. Wow, as I look back I am thankful to God for bringing me thus far. There are lot more daily things He has provided. Once again, I believe that as long as you are alive God has a plan. I want to thank everyone of you for praying for me. I do believe your prayers. God heard. Thank you.


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