Friday, February 24, 2006

Thank you for all your prayers

Thanks to all your prayers I am doing well. My right eye is swollen, so I can not open it yet. When I try to open it I can see from it. It is going to take some time to get adjusted seeing with both eyes. I went to get my hair washed today. Dude, I sound like a girl. Since I can not get my eye wet I went to Hair Salon just to get hair washed. I will be staying home and just chill like before. Thank you for all your prayer.


At 5:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, i missed a lot; sounds encouraging; hallelujah!

meant to email you earlier, you know, our little 3 1/2 yr old son, timothy said "uncle keith" out of the blue; and he squinted his right eye (not sure if it's the right one), which he never does; it's freaky that he remembers you in torrance, more than a year after, and-- i take it as a sign that God is watching over you and even the little ones remember you in their hearts; they're sure better than the adults...;

*a similar thing happened to me long time ago, when a dumb 1yr old boy called my name at a retreat-- he couldn't even speak at that time; eerie.


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