Friday, February 10, 2006

Valentine's Day is soon

I thought by the age I am at, I should be married with kids. At least, that was my plan. However, God had a different plan. I like His plan lot better. I remember celebrating Valetine's last year in the hospital. God has really allowed me to get better each day. I will one day sit with my wife and kids thanking the Lord for all that He has provided. Enjoy your day in the fact that you are in Christ. No one can take that away from you. Tell someone you love them today before it is too late. I love you all who are still reading this.


At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we love you too Keith!!!

At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Pastor Keith!!!!
This is Jinah from GMC...
Remember me??
Hope you do...
Your sister left your website address to GMC webpage, so here i am... :-)
한국말이 되나요?
Does Korean work for this site?
Me... fob... hehe
everyone is doing well here.
Michael is still the same...
I am doing ok...
I guess the youth group kids are doing well too. I found something funny a couple months ago.
They think Kwon JDSN is the oldest among teacher after Michael.
I was cracking up. I think it's because Kwon is a JDSN vs other teachers are just teachers...
Anyways... When Theresa found out that Kwon was on the younger side, she was so shocked...
I still call Kwon as his first name, and the adults gives me a look. I should be careful... (or speak english to him...)

Oh... I just wanna tell you that the grass always looks greener on the other side. Enjoy your single hood while you can. When u r married and have kid... ugh... it's a war!!!!! I don't remember having a good night sleep anymore.

I will pray for u for your upcoming surgery.
Let's have "bop" sometimes..


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