I cut both my finger and toe nails
Usually my mom cuts my nails. It has been over a year since I cut my own nails. I thank God for my daily improvements. I heard that if you are not physically healthy, then your nails will not grow. I know I am getting more healthy necause my nails are growing just fine. My right eye is still closed but I know that God will heal it in His time. Smile for Jesus today.
Greetings from Down Under, no not Australia, NZ the real downunder! Hi keithpark I was surfing blogs (as you do) looking for how to pray information when I came across your site. While I cut both my finger and toe nails wasn't an exact match I enjoyed reading your posts. Thanks for the read, I'll visit again some time. take care.
Greetings keithpark I was looking for prayer information and I landed on your pages. While I cut both my finger and toe nails was not excatly what I was looking for , I like your blog Great Stuff. I'll bookmark it for future visits. If you have time check out prayer , Ok thanks for the read , take care.
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