I had a great time in the Lord at Michigan
Thanks to all your prayers, I had a great time at Michigan. The retreat went well. I was expecting snow but God was very gracious to me for no snow. It would have been very difficult for me to walk with snow or ice on the ground. It's hard to see with one eye and I still have trouble with my coordination. God knew that and did not send snow. I thank God for it. I told everyone that there will be lots of snow after I leave. I miss seeing them already. I thank Peter JDSN and his family for being so hospitable. I felt so loved by them. I thank God for the opportunity.
Keith moksanim!!
this is joyce kim from Grand Rapids. 잘 도착하셨다니깐 감사하네요. 수련회기간 동안 많이 수고해주시고 뒤에서 기도로 많이 후원해주셔서 감사합니다. 엘에이에서 하시는 사역과 목사님 건강위해서 여기서 많이 기도할께요!
목사님^^ 이메일 Peter전도사님통해서 잘 받았어요~ 아직도 목사님 웃음소리생각하면 혼자서 킥킥거리고 웃고있습니다!!
이번 수련회 정말 목사님을 통해서 은혜 많이 받아어요 감사합니다! 항상 목사님의 사역과 건강을위해 기도드릴께요. 혹 CA가게되면 꼭 연락드릴테니 맛있는 치킨 사주세요~~
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