Monday, August 28, 2006

How is everyone doing?

I am excited to see all that God will do in my life. I am getting more and more desire to serve God. I know that He will give me more opportunity to share all that He has done. I also realize more and more that I am not a office worker. I need to go out and meet people. The job I am doing now will require me to go out and meet people. So, I need to be patient. I thank God for all that He is doing in my life. Enjoy your week.

How is everyone doing?

I am excited to see all that God will do in my life. I am getting more and more desire to serve God. I know that He will give me more opportunity to share all that He has done. I also realize more and more that I am not a office worker. I need to go out and meet people. The job I am doing now will require me to go out and meet people. So, I need to be patient. I thank God for all that He is doing in my life. Enjoy your week.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

I met a missionary from Turkey

This morning I went to Early Morning Service with my mom at LA Hanmi Church. One of the pastor from Turkey was speaking. I knew him from WMC. After the service I had a chance to talk with him. He challenged me to revive the intercessory prayer for missions amongst the 1.5 and 2nd generations. I was excited to hear that. God does answer prayers. The important thing is that we need to pray. I am also going into youth intercessory prayer team tomorrow. I am excited to see what God will do when God's people humble themselves and seek Him. Praise God for all that He is doing.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Already Wed.

I am surely impressed with those people who work during the week and serve on Sunday at church. I give you more props. I knew that it was tiring to work and serve God. But I did not realize how hard it is until now. I am still adjusting to this new life style. I like the fact that I get up early in the morning. My sugar level is somewhat more controlled. All I want to do when I get home is sleep. I give extra props to those who have children and work. God's grace is defintely a favor that He unconditionally gives. Priase God for His amazing grace. Enjoy your day today.

Monday, August 21, 2006

How is your Monday?

This is first time coming out to office in LA after Sunday. My applause to all who do this every week. Well, I need to do this for 1 year as well. I usually rested on Mondays for the last 10 years. I enjoyed my rest for sure. I feel tired from yesterday and I am ready to go home and rest. However, there is a board meeting I need to attend. More fun for me. Please pray for me so that I will be able to enjoy this time that God has given me. I hope you all enjoy your week.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

It was like being at home...

It has been 4 years since speaking at LACPC. I felt like being at home. It was good seeing old students. All of them has changed so much. Iy was encouraging to see them at church. I met some people whom I have not seen for years. They were all glad to see me doing better. I appreciated their prayers for me. Also, I gave the benediction after the message. I gave 2 benedictions so far. One was during my ordination service. Today I had the opportunity to give 2 benediction. First at LACPC and the second one at ANC for Youth group graduation service. I am excited for all that God has done through me this summer. Now, I need to be faithful working at KCCD. Thank you for all your prayers.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Speaking at LACPC

I am thankful to God for the opportunity to speak at LACPC tomorrow. I started going to LACPC (it was LACRC when I first went) in 1981. I was in 3rd grade. I remember when the church used to be at La Brea. The church moved to current location when I was in 6th grade. I graduated Elementary, Jr. High, Sr. High, and college. I was confirmed with the call in the ministry while I was a Jr. High School student. I have so many fond memories with people whom I have met through the years. I thank God for the great past history to make the present history. I am excited for tomorrow.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Started at KCCD

I started my work at KCCD. I will enjoy my work here. I am in the heart of Korea Town on Wilshire Blvd. I love it. I always considered working at LA. I never knew it would happen. My co-workers are all good as well. I will learn a lot in this year and I thank God for the opportunity. Also, I am getting ready to speak at LACPC EM Service this coming Sunday. I am very excited for this. (For those who know how I express my excitement, you know.) Please continue to keep me in your prayers. BTW, anyone wanting to have lunch with me I have 1 hour for lunch. Call me in advance.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Let's Keep Our Eyes on Jesus

That was theme for the summer retreat at Las Vegas. The retreat was near Zion Canyon. It was a beautiful place. The reteat was a blessing time for me. I pray that the students were blessed as well. In both going and coming I missed the flight due to late arrival on my part and heavy security checks. I could not take even a water bottle. So I drank the water before going through security check. Although I missed my orginal flights, God was gracious to provide me with next available flight. I came home around midnight. Today I went to LA Hanmi Church for service. The new Senior Pastor there is an older brother I knew from BIOLA. Also, this church prayed for me a lot and I always feel at home when I go. Thank you again for all your prayers. Next Sunday, I am speaking at LACPC EM Service. Keep me in your prayers. BTW, I am leaving for Utah for a conference. I am leaving on 8/14-17. On the 18th I will start work at KCCD.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Las Vegas Somang Church

I am excited to go to this retreat. I believe God is going to do something special. I can't wait to go see what will happen. Please do pray for the retreat. I will be speaking 4xs and lead question and answer time. I still need to speak louder. I am coming back on Saturday and on Monday I am going to Utah for KCCD conference. I should have just stayed there. The flight is from Las Vegas and flying to Utah. The actual retreat is at Utah. I will be flying a lot in the next week. Please keep me in your prayers. Also pray for JAMA that is going on this week at Anaheim. Thank you in advance for all your prayers.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

It was a blessing retreat...

I came back from Bakersfield ANC retreat. It was a blessing time. The kids were great. I spoke as loud as possible. The mic helped a lot. There was also Phil Yun. Hejust graduated from high school went I started at ANC. He helped with praise team numerous times. He was also a big help to me at this retreat. It seems like God puts right people at the right time. I am simply amazed at what God is doing. I also saw a pastor I have not seen for a long time. He was the guest speaker to the adults. He is currently serving at Joy Center for the Disabled. I believe I will see him more often. Thanks again for all your prayers. On Thursday, I am leaving for Las Vegas. Please continue to pray for me.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Bakersfield, here I come

In about couple of hours, I am driving to the retreat site. I am excited to go because I can't wait to see all that God will do. Please keep me in your prayers. I am so anxious. However, in the Word it says not to be anxious but to pray. So I will pray. There is going to be revival in Bakersfield. Amen...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Lord speak to me

Today, I had lunch with Katherena's family. I was so blessed and encouraged by them. Her daughter Hadassah even prayed for me. I had a chance to pray for them as well. During our talk I realized more and more why God is making me go through all that I am going through. I want to be used to expand His Kingdom and for His glory. I will be speaking at the retreats and I am excited to see what God will do there. Please continue to pray that I will speak the truth of who God is and what He will do. Thank you again for praying for me. Also, leave a short comment.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

God is faithful...Amen!

Yesterday, I visited high school retreat with Jonthan Lee (former student from LACPC). I needed him to drive up to Big Bear because it was difficult for me. I found out that it was his first time driving up mountain road. At first I was reluctant but he has to be better than me, I thought. And he did a fine job driving. I was very impressed with him in the midst of lots of pressures. But I was more impressed with his desire to be more Biblical. He was very convicted of the power of God's Word. I thanked the Lord for His faithfulness upon his life. I can't wait to see what God will do in his life.