Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Already Wed.

I am surely impressed with those people who work during the week and serve on Sunday at church. I give you more props. I knew that it was tiring to work and serve God. But I did not realize how hard it is until now. I am still adjusting to this new life style. I like the fact that I get up early in the morning. My sugar level is somewhat more controlled. All I want to do when I get home is sleep. I give extra props to those who have children and work. God's grace is defintely a favor that He unconditionally gives. Priase God for His amazing grace. Enjoy your day today.


At 3:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to hear you're enjoying your job even with all the busyness! No vacation time for you in a long time. Enjoy!
-Your lil sis

At 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

definitely, in heaven, a lot of "professional" pastors will be in the back applauding the unrecognized lay servants who slaved all week and gladly served on sundays;
*i tried it for 3 years while teaching at crenshaw, with 2 kids, except i was getting paid for the weekend-- so it doesn't count;


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