Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Looking for a new ministry

I am looking for a new church ministry. I will be leaving from ANC. There is not a set time. But I would like to find a new ministry before the end of the year. So, if you know of any church who needs a pastor. Let me know. I am willing to do youth, education, and EM ministry in full time capacity. Although I have some difficulties, I am open to where God will use me. Please pray for me that I will not be anxious but wait for the Lord.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Step by Step - Palos Verdes

Few years back, I used to teach Bible studies to some students at Rowland Heights and Palos Verdes. Tomorrow morning I will be giving testimony of the miracle God has done in my life to some parents at Palos Verdes. It has been over 2 years since I saw them. I am thankful to God that He has allowed me to meet these wonderful parents. Please pray that I will boast God and not myself.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pray for wisdom

I need to make a wise decision regarding my future. I need your prayers. I don't want to rely on my own understanding but trust in God. Thank you in advance.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Thank you for all your prayers

Tonight, I spoke at the Wheat Mission Orange County meeting. I spoke for about an hour. which is too long. This also means I was able to stand and speak for an hour. I am thankful to God that I was able to do that. I spoke of how God answered the intercessory prayers of people all around the world. I want to thank you for all your prayers. I better go to sleep to wake up and go to early morning service. Thank you again.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Wheat Mission

Tomorrow night (10/25) I will be giving my testimony at Wheat Mission in Orange County. This is a special ministry to the disabled people. Please pray for me because I will be speaking in Korean and also I never spoke in front of disabled people.

Wheat Mission

Tomorrow night (10/24) I will be giving my testimony at Wheat Mission in Orange County. This is a special ministry to the disabled people. Please pray for me because I will be speaking in Korean and also I never spoke in front of disabled people.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Yoduk Story

Tonight I went to a musical at the Holy Hill Community Church. This musical is about the concentration camp at Yoduk, North Korea. It was a very powerful message. They will perform tomorrow tonight at the same place. And it is free with English subtitles. It has defintely opened my eyes more to what is going on there. Let's keep the people of North Koreans in our prayers. The last message in the musical, this little kid says, don't forget about Yoduk. Let's us pray for them everyday. Also, let's keep Fresh 2006 in our prayers. Have a blessing Lord's Day tomorrow.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Crisis is an opportunity that God can use

Tonight, the speaker talked about the nuclear crisis at NK. However, this crisis can be an opportunity that God can use. When I heard that I said amen. This is true in my life. God used the crisis of SJS in my life to be an opportunity to share of His faithfulness towards His people. Let's continue to trust in the Lord in the midst of any trials. He will use it for His glory.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

K-Fresh 2006

This coming Sunday it will be first time for K-Fresh. Fresh is a gathering of young people to be encouraged and challenged as they all went back to their schools. This year they are having a special gathering for Koreans. I will be going with my parents. I am excited to go. It will be at the Anaheim Convention Center. It has been over 2 years since I've been there. Please pray that many people will be blessed and live for God. It is on 10/21 (fresh 2006) and 10/22 (k-fresh 2006).

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Rev. Dae Hoon Kim

Tonight, I went to Global Mission Church for Ordination Thanksgiving Service. Rev. Dae Hoon Kim is one of the pastors at GMC. He is actually the one that introduced me to GMC many years ago. Also, I knew him back when I was in Jr. High. Through out the service, I was reminded of my ordination almost year ago. I believe God has called me for His glory. I learned so much through Rev. Dae when I was serving at GMC. His passion for the Lord is very admirable. Praise God for His servant. In addition, my old Sunday school teacher, Katherena along with her husband got ordained today. I was not able to attend the service. But I am excited to see all that God is doing in this last days.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Just some random thoughts

What would I be doing now if I did not get this disease? I would still love God and follow His ways. So I asked myself, what's holding you back. I am doing lot better than a year from now. I feel like I am getting better everyday. So I want to be obedient to what God wants me to. I better not look at my weaknesses but find strength in Him.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Form, conform and transform, then Reform

I heard a message today on the radio and these thoughts came into my heart. God created us into His image to be a form. He wants us to be conformed to His image. But because of sin we lost our image in Him. He loves us still that He wants us to be tranformed into His image. Another words there needs to be reformation in our lives. Reformation means to get back into the original form, which is to be in His image. Let's live our lives in glorifying His image.

Monday, October 09, 2006

200 people

One of the things I want to do is to pray for at least 200 people a day. I want to pray for someone at least 1 minute. This means I need to pray for at least 200 minutes a day. Praise God for that. So, I want all of you who are still reading this to be part of the list. Most likely I am already praying for you. But either way, please tell me your name and your prayer requests. If you have a family, please give me their names as well. Have a great day in the Lord. My email address is Servantkhp@yahoo.com

Friday, October 06, 2006

Read Ephesians 6:18

Read this verse and pray for someone today. Have a great Day in the Lord.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Early Morning Prayer

Since Tuesday morning I've been going to early morning prayer service at church. Since I came out of the hospital I did not go regularly. I am praying that I would be able to go every day like before. It was good going to church early in the morning and praying. I need to discipline again to pray for 2 hours. Slowly I am getting myself adjusted to pray longer. My prayer is basically praying for everyone I know. So, if you have any particular prayer requests. Please let me know, so I can pray for you. Have a great day in the Lord.