Sunday, October 29, 2006

Step by Step - Palos Verdes

Few years back, I used to teach Bible studies to some students at Rowland Heights and Palos Verdes. Tomorrow morning I will be giving testimony of the miracle God has done in my life to some parents at Palos Verdes. It has been over 2 years since I saw them. I am thankful to God that He has allowed me to meet these wonderful parents. Please pray that I will boast God and not myself.


At 7:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

We praying for you everyday . .

May God give you peace and understanding as to where you need to be at this moment.

Give my greetings to the parents . .

At 5:34 PM, Blogger ManofGod said...

Hey, Keith
It was great spending time with you for full 12 hours yesterday. So, how was your lunch with Pastor David.
From: Charles.


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