Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy New Year

Wow, the year 2006 is coming to an end soon. As I look back, I am amazed at God's faithful hand through out the year. I am anticipating for the year 2007. I will see more of God's faithfulness. I want to continue rejoicing in Him. I am thankful for my family who has shown great love. I am thankful for wonderful friends who has encouraged me when I needed them most. I am also grateful for the new ministry opportunity at LA Hanmi. In addition, I am thankful to God for using me in various churches to share of God's miracle in my life. I am thankful for each one of you still reading this and praying for me. I love you all.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I am home now

Last night worship was great. Thank you to all your prayers. Pastor Ty and his family came up last night. He was feeling better to come up. Let's continue to pray for full recovery. I was also able to meet up with few college students. We met to discuss when we could meet up for dinner. I am excited for this meeting. The youth retreat will end on Friday, so please continue for God's blessing to be upon everyone there. There was snow so pray for safety.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

LA Hanmi Church - Youth Retreat

Very unexpectantly I will be speaking one message tonight at the retreat. Ty, who is the youth pastor, went into the emergency room because of kidney stone. The guest speaker starts tomorrow. So I will be speaking and I need your prayers. The theme is "love factor". I was planning to go today and come back down tomorrow. God had a different plan. I will be coming back on 12/29. Pray for safety and for all the students to blessed. Also for pastor Ty, that he will be fully recovered.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone. May the Lord richly bless each one of you as we celebrate Christ's birth. I had a very long day at LAX yesterday. It is a long story but God was faithful in watching out for me. As I was waiting with no cell phone I just prayed for God's guidance. I just asked a person on the street to use his cell phone and he let me use it several times. I thank God for him. All in all, in spite of many undesired circumstances God was faithful in taking care of me. Happy birthday Jesus. Thank you for coming down from heaven to be with us.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

2005 Honda Accord

Today, I got a new, used car. It is 2005 Honda Accord. It is gray with tinted windows. I got a good deal for it too. My old car was stopping and had too much problems. Although I will miss my car, I am thankful to God for this new car. My prayer is that with this car God will recieve all the glory. It felt weird driving back home in a smaller car. I've been driving the Explorer for over 6 years. Well, technically for 5 years since I was not able to drive for about a year. Thank you God for this car. I feel so young with Honda Accord.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Nativity Story

Today, I went to go see The Nativity Story with the senior pastor. I liked the movie overall. It definetly helped that I knew the story. One thing, I even told this to the pastor was the whole duration it took to deliver the baby. It was so fast. Both John's and Jesus' birth was so fast compared to the delivery story I have heard of people I knew. I would not appreciate taking so long with this scene but I thought it was pretty fast. Anyways, this movie helped to see the 3D images of what you read in 2 dimenions in the Bible. I realize that picture, more so in movie made it more clear for me. One particular scene that got my attention was the star that shined towards Jesus' birth. I was amazed to see the beauty of that image of sky shining down specific to His birth. I see that God is watching each one of us in that way. Just like a lazer beam. Merry Christmas everyone. Go watch the movie...

Monday, December 18, 2006

Bally Total Fitness

I had Bally's membership for few years but I did not go for the last couple of year. But I finally went today with one of the JDSN at LA Hanmi. We decided to go together last week and we went today. I am little bit sore but I feel great. We are planning to go regularly. We should not waste our monies. I am walking with Senior pastor twice a week and working out with another JDSN. God is good in His time. At this rate of all of these blessings, pretty soon I will meet my future wife.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

God's plan vs. My plan

Today, I said good bye and thank you at the 1st service at ANC. I have a mixed feeling about leaving but I know that there is God's plan in all this change. I've never plan to leave ANC in this way when I came to serve 2 years ago. I realize that God had a plan all along. Even though it does not seem like my plan. I believe that God's plan is better than mine. I know that He has allowed me to live still for His plan. I want to be faithful to God's plan in my life.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Thank you All Nations Church

Tomorrow, I will be going to ANC to say good bye at the adult services. I am grateful for the abundant love the church has poured out to me. I still remember many people visiting me in the hospital. After coming out from the hospital, many came up to me said that they prayed for me. I am thankful to God for allowing me to be at ANC at the right time. Even though I was not physically abled to be with the high school students, I thank God for each one of them. I love them dearly and my prayers for them is that they trust in God in all circumstances. Thank you all the ANC people still reading this.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I am enjoying at church

Although it has been only few days, I am enjoying going to church office. I've been going to early morning prayer again and that has been very good. This morning Rev. Joseph Kim and I walked around the neighborhood for exercise. I was very thankful to God for allowing me to serve at LA Hanmi. The pastor is very considerate for my health so we will do this on a regular basis. I've been also riding my bike around the church parking lot. While riding, God gave me a heart to pray for the church. I pray that God will use this church for His glory.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My 1st day in the office at LA Hanmi

This morning I went into office at LA Hanmi. It has been couple of years since going into office as full time worker. I am very excited for this opportunity. I will be going into office everyday. But the internet access is not available right now. The church is in the middle of upgrading their system and it is going to take 2 weeks. So after/for lunch I will come home. Thanks for all your prayers. I got a call from ANC saying that I will be saying good bye to the adult ministry this Sunday.

Monday, December 11, 2006

God is good

These days all I can say is God is good. He really knows what He is doing. Sometimes it seems that timing is off withour timing. But God has the best timing. It was a busy weekend for me. On Sat. evening I had a class of '90 reunion at Katherena's home. This class was from LACRC (later became LACPC) high school graduating class. This was our 3rd time meeting. Even though we only had few people come. It was good seeing the many changes that happened in the past years. All in all, people were saying how God has been good in their lives. During high school days it was very hard but looking back made it all worth it. Also, on Sunday morning I flew to San Jose for Ted's ordination and Sandy's consecration. The service was very blessing and I was able to reflect on my ordination. Many people from the church came up to me and encourgaed me. They have prayed for me and was blessed to see me there doing lot better. I was so encouraged to know that people whom I have never met prayed for me. I was reminded of how good our God is. Thank you God for you are good.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

3 Reverends

Tomorrow, Ted Kang will be ordained as a Reverend. This means we have 3 ordained pastors in our family. Abraham Lee, my older sister's husband. Myself. And Ted who is getting ordained tomorrow. I thank God for these two great brothers God has brought into my life. It is even better that all three of us are in ministry. I am excited to see what God will do. It is great privilege for me to know and have them as my brothers. May the Lord continue to guide your every steps, Ted. Praise God forall that He is doing. BTW, I will start going into church office starting from 12/12.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I need more riding time

I decided to hold off riding to church. Even though it is only 30 minutes ride, it would be better and safer if I had more riding time. So, I decided to ride 10 laps in the morning and 10 laps in the evening around our neighborhood. Mu sugar level is not being stabled so I need to exercise more. BTW, my brother in law, Ted Kang is getting ordained this coming Sunday. Also, my sister, Sandy is getting consecrated. The C&MA do not ordain women. I will be flying Sunday morning to San Jose and driving back down with my parents that evening. Congratulations, Ted and Sandy!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A mountain bike

Today, I got a new mountain bike. I had one before when I was at Westminster. But it got stolen. I wanted to ride a bike to church. I will try this soon. Maybe even this Friday. Even though it has been a while since riding a bike, it was not too bad. Initially my balance was off and I had some struggles. But I was able to adjust quickly. I have simliar expectations with going back into ministry. I want it to be a little struggle but able to adjust quickly. Please continue to pray for me that I would be humble and not proud while doing ministry.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Wow, December already

It is already December. Many things have happened this year. As I look back, I could definetly say, God is faithful. God has given me strength to overcome many obstacles. Even though I still have many hurdles in my life, I know that He will take care of me. I am very thankful for the new ministry opportunity at LA Hanmi. As I work with college students, I want to be a good role model to them. Also, I had breakfast with ANC CED staff this morning. They all shared words of blessings to me. I am very thankful to God for allowing me to meet these servants of God. My prayers for all of you as you end this year is to examine all the blessings God has been in your life. And share these blessings you have received with others.