Monday, December 11, 2006

God is good

These days all I can say is God is good. He really knows what He is doing. Sometimes it seems that timing is off withour timing. But God has the best timing. It was a busy weekend for me. On Sat. evening I had a class of '90 reunion at Katherena's home. This class was from LACRC (later became LACPC) high school graduating class. This was our 3rd time meeting. Even though we only had few people come. It was good seeing the many changes that happened in the past years. All in all, people were saying how God has been good in their lives. During high school days it was very hard but looking back made it all worth it. Also, on Sunday morning I flew to San Jose for Ted's ordination and Sandy's consecration. The service was very blessing and I was able to reflect on my ordination. Many people from the church came up to me and encourgaed me. They have prayed for me and was blessed to see me there doing lot better. I was so encouraged to know that people whom I have never met prayed for me. I was reminded of how good our God is. Thank you God for you are good.


At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surely, God is good. He is faithful to what He has told or given us as a vision in each step of our life. You;ve gone through and will continue to ba a challenge to others and to yourself.

Don't stop praising Him, bro.


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