Tuesday, January 02, 2007


It's already 2007. I have much anticipations to all that God will do this year. Both of my sisters family left to their homes. My older sister's family, missionary at Mexico, was a surprise visit. They came on 12/28. It took them over 40 hours to get here. They have long drive home. They want to be back by Sat. I am now in my office planning for this year. I am thankful to God for all the wonderful things He has given me already. And I look forward to many more this year. Have a wonderful year everyone.


At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prayer and Fasting, in the Bible is necessary part of a Christian life. Christians, who pray and fast is much more aware of God's glory in their lives. This week I want to Seek, Knock, so that the door of my life would be opened to me and my family, our hillside ministry, Love ministy, and for the salvation of those who do not believe. Our hillside ministry needs healing and it only comes through prayer and fasting. This is so wonderful to the believer who pray and fast. Fasting, is really sustaining from food but God wants us to sustain from watching television or those who love eating meat. I want my faith to grow in him as I wait upon the Lord, through prayer and fasting.
1. 나의 영혼이 잠잠히 하나님만 바람이여, 나의 구원이 그로부터 나는도다. 2. 그 분만이 나의 바위시요, 나의 구원이시며, 나의 강한 성이시니, 내가 크게 흔들리지 않을 것이로다. (Psaml 62:1-2)
Let's have Victory in Christ Jesus, through prayer and fasting. I want to see the glory of God move in our ministry and worship
so that we could be on fire for God

At 1:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy new year keith msn =)


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