Things I need to do
These days, I am struggling with what I need to do. Last week I mentioned about a dilemma. Well it is somewhat different one now. I can not write more in details now but please pray that I will choose wisely. I apologize for not giving detail information. But may the Spirit give you wisdom as you pray for me. Once things are more definite I will inform more. Thank you for your prayers.
‘for who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man's spirit within him? in the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.’ (1 Corinthians 2:11)
may His servant be filled with the Spirit of God so that he may be able make spiritual discernment! thx for sharing your testimony last night. let’s keep bugging God with our prayers. :o) take care.
Struggle for God's direction is always good and must be cheered up. Hey, Keith, you've been so faithful in spite of many things had happened along your way. God will listen to your prayer and your best wish to bless so many people surround you.
Cheer up, bro.
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