Friday, December 10, 2004

catching up on lost sleep

Keith is enjoying his sleep a little too much. Tonight, we joked around that he's catching up on all the lost sleep from his 33 years of life. Since entering full time ministry several years ago, he's been faithfully attending early morning prayer, staying up late, and missing many hours of sleep. So, although we tried to do everything possible to wake him up tonight (even gently slapping his face), we just told him to wake up after he catches up on ALL his lost sleep. Only our humurous God can allow us to joke around during this difficult time.

I spoke with Dr. Murthy tonight. Here's a few updates:
-The MRI and lumbar puncture findings had no significant results, except for the swelling and spots. There were a few other findings, but not significant to mention or worry about.
-The echocardiogram results have not come in yet, but it will probably be negative.
-The cause of his sleepiness is not known. There may be too many factors, so the doctor cannot pinpoint what is causing this.
-The provigil will be given for 4 days before a stronger drug will be used. The first one was given yesterday, so if Keith does not wake up before Sunday, he will be given another drug.
-If he does not wake up before early next week, the feeding tube in his nose will be taken off and they are considering feeding him straight to his stomach. Since the feeding tube has been in for a long time, they want to prevent any sinus infection or problems in the future. This will happen after consultation with the GI doctor.
-Because of his delay of waking up, the doctor has said his recovery will take longer than expected. He was hoping to send my brother home by Christmas time, but it seems unlikely at this point.
-He is becoming better at following directions everyday. He can point to different parts of his body pretty well.

So, let's continue to fight for Keith on our knees:
-WAKE UP Keith!!!!
-No future sinus problems since the feeding tube has been in for the past 3 weeks.
-Once he wakes up, for his physical and speech therapy to be quick so he can come home.
-The entire family will be gone by early January (Lee's to Mexico, Kang's to San Jose), so we are really praying Keith will come home before we all leave. This will lessen the burden for my parents to travel to the hospital and in communication with the medical staff.
-And always pray that Keith will be totally rid of all diabetes.


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