Friday, January 14, 2005

walking with a walker

Keith was able to walk with the help of a walker today. He walked down the hallway of the TCU. This is a major step for him. Walking with a walker is much harder than with a handrail.

The other day, Keith made the therapist laugh. After some physical therapy, they asked him if he wanted to continue to go back to bed. He responded in a low Terminator-like voice "Back to bed." The therapists thought it was so funny.

Please pray that Keith will be able to improve before my sister Elaine returns to Mexico. She returns with her son Nathan on Jan. 28. It's been wonderful to have at least one family member with Keith everyday since he was admitted to the hospital, to keep him company as well as making sure he gets the necessary medical attention. Please pray that before Elaine returns, he can be ready for acute rehab or even ready to go home. When he qualifies for acute rehab, we're hoping to transfer him closer to my parents' work and his church family, who can visit more often. We cannot imagine leaving Keith without one of us at the current TCU because we don't feel comfortable with the quality of the nursing care. So, continue to pray for quick and full recovery.


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