Wednesday, February 09, 2005

getting back into shape...

During physical therapy, I made Keith play with a light ball. He served it like a volleyball really well and passed the ball like a basketball also. When I asked him to set the ball, it was a bit challenging since his left hand is not completely fine tuned. Then, he kicked a weighted ball across the hallway into his room. We can't wait to see Keith getting back into shape and play basketball and volleyball again.

This afternoon, I asked my brother what foods he was craving. He said "mandoo". He was craving that yesterday also. When I bought some mandoo for him, he literally shoved it all down his throat. I barely got to steal one and enjoy it myself. It is sooo good to see him feeding himself and enjoying food (as alwasy). It was just weeks ago he was barely able to eat anything. Praise Jesus for answered prayer!

Please continue to pray:
-for continuous regaining of strength in all areas. For voice to produce stronger speech. For left arms and hands to be fine tuned. For Keith to become more self-sufficient (i.e. going to bathroom on his own, start walking on his own, etc).
-Pray for his speech therapy. I asked the therapist to make Keith write familiar passages on his journal and recite it out loud. Let's pray that Keith will be a powerful witness to all those treating him.
-Pray for Keith's heart to stay focused and thankful. Today, I shared a lot of "real" stuff with him. He's not familiar with SJS, so I took the time to explain the seriousness of SJS and all the trauma my brother experienced. He has absolutely no recollection of what happened during his time at the burn unit. He was getting a bit sad hearing the realities of SJS, but I reminded him that I was sharing all this to really emphasize the miraculous healing God has performed in his life. So continue to encourage Keith through your prayers, that God would give him strength to keep fighting hard.


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