Keith means "warrior"
With a room full of guests and a lot of chicken, we found out that "Keith" means "warrior". Although Keith named himself many many years ago because it was the closest English name to "Kee Hoon", we know that God gave him this name. Keith has proven to be a strong warrior for the Lord and for his life. He has been fighting so diligently and I've personally been so encouraged to see my brother recovering so well. I got to spend the entire day with him, observing the different therapists and keeping him company. He barely got any rest during the day because he was either receiving therapy, entertaining guests, eating, getting sugar level tests, and ocassionally releasing gas here and there...but he kept awake with a huge smile.
Some observations from today's therapy:
Physical Therapy: Keith has pretty good balance now. With the help of the walker or even holding onto the therapist's hand, he's able to walk smoothly. He is practicing walking up and down steps with not much problems. His left arm has improved a lot, but still needs to be fine-tuned in his motor skills.
Speech Therapy: Keith is now asked to journal. He wrote many many sentences today describing his 5 nieces and nephews. Then, he was able to give a speech to all of us. He is learning to use his diaphragm to project his voice. Continue to pray that this would become a natural task for him to produce clear speech.
The doctor is estimating that Keith will be in the hospital for 3 more weeks (max). Keith is so eager to return home and go back to the ministry at church. I think he's really counting the days.
Some personal sharing: As I watched my brother tonight, I couldn't stop crying in my heart. I didn't want to show him my tears. Before bedtime, he was given 5-6 pills (antibiotics, vitamins, benadryl for itching), then given insulin and another drug to prevent blood clots (this was injected into his stomach area where there is more layer of fat). Also, he gets sugar level tests done with a small prick on his finger throughout the day. My prayer for my dear brother tonight was that he would not be dependent on all these drugs and needles to be healthy and strong. I cannot wait for the day when he can go throughout the day taking nothing and getting nothing pinched into his body. Continue to pray for full recovery, that he would leave the hospital stronger than before.
Please do not hesitate to visit Keith. His stay in the hospital will last just a few more weeks, so don't miss this wonderful opportunity to bless him with your presence. If you bring food, please be mindful of his diabetes...thanks.
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