Monday, January 24, 2005

Reading out Scripture

Some updates:
-Keith is able to read Scripture on his own. He read out three verses in Korean today. After that, he got tired. Now, we understand why he didn't like receiving speech therapy, because it was too basic for him. As his diaphragm is strengthening, he's reading better and better. We recommended to the speech therapist to use the bible for his therapy. Let's pray that this tool will be a witness to the speech therapist.
-There are four doctors working with Keith: Internal Medicine, Diabetes, Neurologist, and Therapist Doctor. Let's pray for wisdom for this medical team as they care for Keith. Keith had an MRI done today. Let's pray that the doctor sees signs of improvement, especially on the #3 nerve.
-Continue to pray for Keith to keep fighting hard.
-He's wearing regular clothes now. .. but they're way too big on him...
-He's able to page the nurses himself, letting them know he needs to empty his bladder, etc. Praise God for that!


At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow... i bet keith and family has already impacted many physicians and nurses and therapists...
using the bible for speech therapy is very exciting stuff! God Bless you Keith! keep pressing forward! don't look back. keep looking forward.

I pray you have a wonderful day today!

His Peace,


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