making plans for acute rehab
It takes a few weeks to be admitted into an acute rehab program, so we are now taking steps to move Keith, hopefully within the next 2-3 weeks. He's been improving everyday, so the therapists hope he can be transfered soon. Today, he walked with a walker as well as along two parrallel handrails. He thoroughly enjoyed a chicken sandwich a church member brought. He enjoyed the many visitors from today. And he's able to respond and say more. I was actually able to have a short conversation with him over the phone today. So good to hear my brother's voice again.
Continue to pray that his diaphragm will be strengthened to produce better speech. Pray for continuous regaining of his bodily muscles and strength. And continue to pray for no more diabetes!
Also, pray that Keith will be able to take a real bath. Since he was admitted to the TCU, he hasn't been able to receive a bath. We are hoping Dr. Murthy can allow this. There's a lot of dead skin as well as the build up of a lot of moisturizing cream on his body. Pray that there are no dental problems since he hasn't been able to eat for a long time nor brush/floss his teeth well.
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