Friday, January 21, 2005

Keith at Good Samaritan Hospital, Rm. 649

Praise God that Keith has been transfered to Good Samaritan Hospital this afternoon.
He is in the main hospital, room. 649. It is a private room. He was welcomed by a Korean nurse. Let's pray that he will be assigned good nurses and therapists to work with him. Pray that he will fight hard and have the motivation to recover quickly.


At 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm so glad that you are at good Sam, I'm sure it's easier now for your parents. Homin and I will be by today, and look forward to seeing you.

Hang in there and please don't be discouraged... keep fighting, Keith.

Homin and Helen Kang

At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Keith! :) How are you? It's me, Mason, a friend of your sister Sandy and brother-in-law Ted from San Jose. I wanted to write you an email, but I wasn't sure how to do so anymore. The link on your blogspot webpage for emailing you still goes to Torrance Medical Center, but seeing as how you have been transferred to Good Samaritan Hospital, I assume they would no longer forward the email to you. Anyways, I just wanted to point that out to your loving sisters so that they can change the link.
Even though I haven't written you in a while, it doesn't mean that I have forgotten about you. I have still been faithfully checking your status via your website every day, and have been praying accordingly. :) I'm glad to hear that you have transferred to a hospital that is closer to your mom's home. That should make it easier for her to visit you. I've also been encouraged to hear that you are continuing to make progress on your recovery, that your right eye has been opening, and that you are now able to walk. I will continue to pray that God will strengthen you and speed your recovery.
I've been so blessed to share in your life through reading about it daily and praying for you that I felt compelled to write to you about my own life a little bit. However, given that this is a post that's accessible to anyone who reads your blog (I hear you have a quite a regular following), I'll have to wait until your sister posts a new link to you. :)
In the mean while, I was trying to think of something funny to write to you about. Not knowing your sense of humor, that's kind of hard. The best I could come up with off the top of my head was that this weekend, during my church's Coworker Summit where the pastors from my church shared the church vision for the year, I was introduced as a Ministry Assistant for my church. We usually call ministry assistants "MA's" at my church, and someone made a joke about the being the church's "ma" (like mama - except just 'ma'). So there were several people going around calling me ma, even though I'm a 31 year old man. Just a strange thing to hear. However, on a serious note, Jesus did say in Matthew 12:48-50, when told that his mother and brothers were outside waiting for him:

48He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

So I guess it wouldn't be ENTIRELY inapprorpiate to call you my "ma" and my "sis", since you are a disciple doing the will of our Father in Heaven. :) How about that, ma?
Anyways, I should get going. Hope you're having an encouraging day. Keep fighting hard to recover. You remain in my prayers.


At 5:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi keithpark love your blog. I came across it while looking for school prayer. I know Keith at Good Samaritan Hospital, Rm. 649 is not an exact match but thanks for the read. I'll get on with my search for school prayer stuff and will visit again sometime. Take Care

At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi keithpark, I was out surfing on the net looking for the lastest info on prayer for life. Ok Keith at Good Samaritan Hospital, Rm. 649 wasn't exactly what I was looking for but it got my attention and interest , now I see why I found your page when I was looking for prayer for life anyway I'm glad I stopped by you have a great blog. Thanks for the read ...catch you later!

At 7:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi There keithpark how you going? I was sufing blogs for information on daily prayer and I came across yours. while Keith at Good Samaritan Hospital, Rm. 649 wasn't exactly what I was looking for, It was most interesting. I can see why I found your page when I was looking for daily prayer stuff. Thanks for the read!

At 6:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi keithpark, I was out surfing on the net looking for the lastest info on daily prayer. Ok Keith at Good Samaritan Hospital, Rm. 649 wasn't exactly what I was looking for but it got my attention and interest , now I see why I found your page when I was looking for daily prayer anyway I'm glad I stopped by you have a great blog. Thanks for the read ...catch you later!


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