Tuesday, January 25, 2005

if you want to bring food for Keith...

Here is a practical idea for those who want to bring yummy food for Keith. In the afternoon, after receiving therapy, he usually gets very hungry (usually around 2-3pm). Dinner is served around 5:30pm. If you want to bring food for him, coming around that time in the afternoon would work best. Encourage him to self- feed, but he may need your help.

Reminder: He in on a diabetic diet which means low-carb, low-sugar. Try to bring healthy food. If you really want to bring his favorite chicken, please remove all skin and give him the meat part of it.

We are encouraged that Keith is improving daily. He's able to get up and sit down by himself. He's able to walk with a walker. He even used the toilet (#1 and #2) today.

Prayer requests:
-Please pray for the medical team. It seems that there are always good and not-so-good nursing staff everywhere we go. Continue to pray that the medical team would be mindful of Keith's situation and be diligent in giving him the best care.
-Pray that he will continue fighting strong, not to grow discouraged, but remain hopeful. He's definitely proven himself to be a strong warrior through this battle!


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